Understanding Prostate Disorders
October 20th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Understanding Prostate Disorders

It is not unusual in middle age for men to experience non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate or enlargement of the prostate due to cancerous growth, or they may experience both of these scenarios.

If a male is experiencing an enlarged prostate he may have the following early symptoms:

? Urine flow that is slow or delayed

? Incontinence or an inability to control the discharge of his urine

? Frequent urination, especially at night

? A urine stream that is weaker than normal

? Experiences dribbling of urine

? Feeling like your bladder has not emptied entirely after urination

? Frequent and sudden urges to urinate

Men who may have prostate disease may have the following symptoms:

? A burning or painful passing of urine

? Painful ejaculation of sperm

? Seeing blood in the semen or urine

? Pain in the buttocks, lower back or upper thighs

? Incontinence

A man’s prostate symptoms may vary from being only mildly annoying to being really painful and disruptive. The frustrating thing about prostate symptoms is that they are often the same for all of the common prostate problems such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer. Even though different men have the same prostate symptoms they may have different prostate disorders.

If a male is age 45 or younger it is rare for him to have a prostate problem, but if he does, it is more likely to be prostatitis, which is simply an inflamed or infected prostate. The symptoms for prostatitis are a burning sensation when urinating, having to urinate more frequently, a fever, and fatigue.

If a male is over age 45, he is more likely to suffer from an enlarged prostate more commonly called, “benign prostate hyperplasia” (BPH). The symptoms if mild will usually result in the man just learning to live with them. BPH and prostate cancer are not linked, but some men who have had BPH do end up developing prostate cancer later on in life. If a man has BPH and he simply ignores the symptoms, he can develop a urinary tract infection.

If a man has BPH the symptoms he may experience include:

? Feeling an urgent need to urinate

? More frequent urinations, especially at night

? Feeling like he has to “push out” the urine

? Feeling like you still have to go even if you just finished urinating

? A urine stream that stops and starts

? Leaking or dribbling of urine

? Seeing small amounts of blood in the urine or semen

While BPH is a normal part of male aging, prostate cancer is NOT BPH nor is it linked to BPH and prostate cancer is not a normal part of aging. The tumor cells from prostate cancer can and do spread to other parts of the body so it is vitally important to seek medical attention if you are having any symptoms of prostate cancer.

If a man has prostate cancer the symptoms that he may experience include:

? A weak flow of urine

? Burning sensation when urinating

? Blood in the urine

? AND many men have NO symptoms whatsoever and they have prostate cancer!

If you are a male and age 45 or older you need to have prostate screenings yearly to catch prostate disorders early, especially prostate cancer.

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