Stay Informed About Prostate News
November 10th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Stay Informed About Prostate News

As in most health issues if it is something that may affect your health it is important to stay informed about what the latest news is on the topic. The same goes for prostate health. It is important that males stay informed about prostate news. There are several ways that you can stay up to date on the latest prostate news.

You can have regularly scheduled screenings for prostate (once a year) and at this appointment bring up the fact that you would like to stay informed about prostate health and your doctor can be sure to keep you in the loop. Sometimes doctors have newsletters that they circulate for their patients and some doctor’s offices even have Websites that they can keep in communication with patients and staff.

There are also online prostate forums in which members share information about the latest news about prostate health.


You can also get the latest news about prostate health from Websites such as Medical News Today at

Doctor’s Guide Personal Edition is another Website that you can register for and become a user with so that you can get the latest information about many health-related topics including prostate health you can access the site by going to

You can find all the latest research news concerning prostate health at

The UK has a Website that is specific to prostate health called Prostate UK and you can find information and the latest news when you go to

Finally, you can also find lots of up-to-date information about prostate health at the American Society of Clinical Oncology – The Prostate Cancer Symposium Meeting information page on medpage today Website located here:


There is also a magazine devoted to the prostate called, “The prostate”. A yearly subscription is available in the USA, in Canada and for Worldwide delivery. ISSN : 0270-4137

Other magazine titles that may contain information about prostate health that are more affordable are:

? Current Problems in Cancer Magazine

? Black Men Magazine

? Men’s Fitness

? Health

? Prevention

Your doctor is probably your closest and best source for information about any topic concerning your health. Your doctor can also lead you to local sources of information such as health groups for men in your community. Your doctor can also direct you to a local registered dietician or nutritionist that can give you information about diets designed to help prevent prostate issues. The more informed you are about issues of your health the better your chances to do the right things that can help lower your risk for diseases including those that involve the prostate. Call your doctor today and stay informed about prostate news.

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