The Couple and Erectile Dysfunction
October 27th, 2010 by Aldouspi

The Couple and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is not just a male problem. When there is a spouse or steady partner involved (a relationship), the issue of not being able to achieve or maintain an erection has an impact on both partners. There is sexual frustration and embarrassment on the male as well as felt by the female. Both wonder if the problem is with them. Women wonder if they are not desirable enough, or that is is something they are doing or not doing that is causing their man to not perform. Men of course are embarrassed and can get crushed egos quickly when there are erectile issues when performing the sexual act.

The issue may have something to do with the fact that by age 40, many men are taking medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol or some other condition. These medications can have an impact on the ability to achieve or maintain an erection.

The female partner has her own issues to contend with including menopause, relationship issues, and other stresses.

It is usually the female who seeks help first, usually by researching on the Internet, in books and magazines or with friends what the cause for the problem may be. They may or may not discuss it with their man until they at least have some idea about what may be going on.

Whenever there is a problem with erection that occurs on a regular basis one source that should not be overlooked is a medical one. The male involved should see his doctor or an urologist to find out if there is a physical cause for the problem.

When faced with erectile dysfunction, the couple needs to sit down and communicate effectively with each other. Talking about the problem will be difficult for the male usually, so the female may need to persuade her partner to open up about the issue. Letting the problem continue without getting answers is not a good idea. Sex is important to a loving, successful relationship.

Making an appointment to get some answers will be a difficult step, but a necessary one. A physical exam will help to determine if there is a physical cause for the problem. The couple will be asked questions regarding their sexual activity as well as their viewpoints on sex in general that will help the doctor to determine if there are any psychological causes for the problem. This is all done professionally and the medical staff makes no judgments regarding the answers given by the couple.

Laboratory tests may be ordered as well as a sleep test that determines if there are any erections during sleep. After all the results are in, the doctor will discuss the findings and hopefully the answers will lead to a cure for the erectile dysfunction.

Discussing the results and communicating openly during the process is important for the couple to do. It is also great if the couple can be supportive of each other and sensitive to the other partner’s feelings and needs. Dealing with a problem like this and reaching a successful conclusion can bring the couple closer together.

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