A Candid Look at Candidiasis
September 5th, 2010 by Aldouspi

A Candid Look at Candidiasis

A yeast infection is no laughing matter because at the least, it is uncomfortable and at the most, can be quite a serious cause for concern. Candida is the name of one of the most widely contracted form of yeast infections. The ironic thing is that Candida lives normally within the human body in the vagina, mouth and digestion system. However, under particular conditions, Candida can spread to other areas of the body and create an infection.

This Candida can get into the mucosal membranes and moist areas and cause irritation. The mouth and vagina are two places that offer ideal conditions such as these. However, you can find Candida in other warm, moist areas where they shouldn’t be like the armpits, beneath the breasts and even in the genital area. Anywhere on the body which can get sweat trapped for long periods of time is courting Candida. The obese has a troubling time with Candida as it can get in between the folds or rolls of fatty skin.

The conditions for the spread of Candida include poor hygiene, not washing off sweat and other bodily fluids satisfactorily. Humid, hot weather can cause Candida to crop up in trapped areas of the body, especially if it is underwear that is not made of a breathable fabric. Even current skin conditions like psoriasis can irritate areas causing the Candida.

Taking antibiotics can be enough to court Candida as the medication will not only kill good bacteria but also the bad bacteria that caused the original infection. When this occurs, conditions are perfect for the proliferation of Candida. People with diabetes are more prone to develop Candida skin infections as well as pregnant women and the obese. Immunosuppressive drugs and certain types of steroids also leave your body vulnerable to infection.

Symptoms of Candida

The location of the Candida infection usually determines the symptoms you may have. For instance, women who get a Candida infection of the vaginal area will have burning, redness, itching and even cottage cheese like discharge from the vagina.

Babies as well as the obese that have skin folds where sweat or other bodily fluids could become trapped can also get Candida. This infection creates an itchy red rash that could be raw looking and may even form pustules. Some cases of diaper rash may turn into a Candida infection if not treated right away. Men can get an infection on their penis and genital area for the same reasons as others get Candida – trapped humid moisture or poor hygiene. Some men may get Candida from having sex with a partner who has the infection.

Thrush is a form of the Candida infection which occurs in the mouth. There are typically telltale white patches along the mouth and tongue. It may look creamy in appearance and these white patches do not scrape off. Children sometimes will get this and be healthy in other regards. However, quite a few people who have low immune systems can get it like diabetics or people with AIDS.

As Candida is viewed as a type of fungal infection, chances are that antibiotics will not get rid of it. Instead, depending on where the infection is will dictate what treatment you may get. Skin folds, genital are and other skin area may get by with an antifungal ointment while some oral methods may help with the thrush and vaginal yeast infections. All in all, the doctor will know the best treatment to get that Candida back under control.

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