Histrionic Personality Disorder
May 12th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Typically personality disorders cause a person to be socially inept in some way. But sometimes a person with a personality disorder may not seem to be awkward or unlikable. There is one personality disorder that actually causes the sufferer to be overly social.

A person with Histrionic Personality Disorder probably seems comfortable in almost any situation that they may be in. Most people will not be comfortable around them, however.

The person may be overly demonstrative and flirtatious for most people’s tastes. Being around this person can become overwhelming very quickly. The disorder can be difficult to detect, however, depending on the person and the situation in which they exhibit the symptoms.

A Bit about Histrionic Personality Disorder

A person with Histrionic Personality Disorder is very social and outgoing. While outgoing people are usually easy to be with, this particular person may make situations awkward for others. She needs to be the center of attention at all times and goes to great lengths to make sure that she is.

In dress and grooming style, the person with Histrionic Personality Disorder may appear to be perfect and totally put together. She may also seem seductive in dress and overall appearance. And when it comes to actions, she probably leaves no doubt about being seductive. This person will seem to be coming on to people very consistently.

The reality is that she probably actually does move in and out of love relationships quickly. Nevertheless, she is totally capable of loving and caring deeply for other people. Unfortunately, the other people will almost never believe the sincerity of a person with Histrionic Personality Disorder however. Because of her outgoing nature and similarly obvious cool tempers, her fluctuating moods will make her seem shallow.

She will seem to always be playing some part rather than actually interacting with other people.

Symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder

The person with Histrionic Personality Disorder will display several symptoms. Overall, she is always looking for attention. She has strongly displayed and even theatrical emotions. She always wants to be the center of attention and may act in sexually seductive ways to achieve that attention.

Opposite gender attention is the most desirable to her, and same gender relationships don’t usually achieve much intimacy. She is very sensitive to others’ negative views of her and will not react well to slights. She will assume close friendships immediately even when the other person does not feel appropriately close.


A person with Histrionic Personality Disorder can lead a fuller and more satisfying life by toning things down a little bit. She should strive to be liked by people that she likes and enjoys, rather that by everyone. She can also cultivate some of her own personal hobbies and interests.

Instead of being ready to do a little bit of absolutely anything that someone else may enjoy doing, she can achieve some substance and depth by pursuing some interests of her own.

All in all, this person would do well to gain a little bit of independence from the attentions of others and learn to enjoy her own company. It is likely that she will continue to be outgoing and fun. By becoming more of an individual, she can become less intimidating and even more likable.

=>Are you trying to get out of a relationship with someone who has a Histrionic Personality? I came across a guide that may be of help to you. Click here to visit Breaking Up With A Narcissist.

Article source: Frances, Allen MD and First, Michael B. MD. Your Mental Health: A Layman’s Guide to
the Psychiatrist’s Bible. New York: Scribner, 1998.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

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