Life After a Vasectomy
February 13th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Life After a Vasectomy

Many men and women want to know what it is like after having a vasectomy? Couples and single men for many reasons choose the procedure. Having surgery, no matter how minor is still a big deal as it changes how a couple view sexes. It becomes more spontaneous when one does not have to think about prevention all the time. A permanent birth control method has many advantages. Before, a couple, or a single male can get to the “good stuff”; there is still a matter of the recuperation after surgery.

A male has several choices when it comes to where the vasectomy is done. A vasectomy can be performed in a doctor’s office, medical clinic or in a hospital. There are several choices as to who will do the procedure. A qualified medical doctor, an urologist, a reproductive specialist, or a surgeon can do a vasectomy. There are even choices as to the method used to do the vasectomy (traditional, no-scalpel, clip, or laser.

The recuperation and risks are pretty much the same no matter which type of vasectomy you have done. A local anesthetic will be administered and will wear off approximately an hour after the procedure is completed. Your doctor will give you any required prescriptions or talk to your regarding the use of over-the-counter pain relievers. Prescriptions may be for antibiotics or pain relievers. You may also be told about how to make up ice packs and how and when to use them. Your doctor will likely give you both verbal and written instructions. You were probably told to have someone on hand to drive you home from your procedure.

Your recovery should be uneventful and your doctor will have given you every chance to have a comfortable recovery and instructions as to what to look for in regards to side-effects from any medicine given or what to look for in regards to any possible complications or any risks to recognize and report.

It is best to not go anywhere else after the procedure, but home to rest. It is important to wear snug scrotal garment or jockey shorts immediately after the procedure and for approximately one week afterwards. You will want to bring this to your procedure appointment so that you can wear it home.

Once you get home, elevate your feet, and use ice packs for comfort. Ice packs will soothe the scrotal area for the first few days after your vasectomy. Using the ice packs will help to minimize the swelling and to decrease the discomfort you feel.

Should you notice during the first few days after your procedure any fever, chills, an increase in pain intensity, unusual swelling or drainage; notify your doctor immediately.

You will be instructed not to take any showers or baths for the two days after your procedure. You will find 20-minute warm bath soaks to be soothing after the first few days.

There should not be any lasting pain or discomfort following your vasectomy, if you do notice any lasting pain or discomfort, tell your doctor so you can be given the proper medication to relieve your symptoms.

Most doctors will schedule vasectomies for Thursdays or Fridays as this gives the men plenty of time to recuperate before going back to work. Most men need about 5 days to recuperate before returning to a normal workload that does not require any strenuous physical labor.

You will be advised to not resume sexual intercourse until at least 72 hours after surgery and most will wait until a couple of weeks until they feel physically comfortable resuming sexual activity. You will need to use an alternate form of birth control until you have had a negative sperm count test and also until you have ejaculated 20 times from the time of the vasectomy. This allows for any remaining sperm in the tubes to be expelled from the body. Sperm will still be manufactured in the testicles; they will just dissolve and be reabsorbed into the male’s body. In order to determine at what point you are considered to be sterile (no sperm) you will need to provide a sperm sample about every few weeks. Your doctor will let you know when your sperm count signifies that you are indeed sterile.

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