Eight Facts about the No-Needle Vasectomy Procedure
February 26th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Eight Facts about the No-Needle Vasectomy Procedure

Men, there is some good news on the permanent birth control front. There is now a vasectomy which uses no needle for administering the anesthetic agent required to numb the scrotal area for surgery. This no-needle method is definitely great news for those needle-phobics who have not even considered a vasectomy before because of these sharp objects.

Many men feel apprehensive about even exposing their private parts much less contemplating them being poked and prodded with a needle. However, once the no-needle vasectomy started being practiced in the United States, the number of these permanent birth control surgeries greatly increased.

There are quite a few facts you should know about the no-needle vasectomy technique. Learn more about them so that you can make the best decision regarding your birth control options:

1. The no-needle vasectomy is fairly new, being pioneered by Dr. Charles Wilson back in 2001 here in the United States. The method hit it big in Canada for several years before being more widely adopted here in this country.

2. The no-needle approach involves administering an anesthetic without the use of a hypodermic needle. Instead, the anesthetic is administered via a pressurized instrument shooting a jet spray of numbing agent directly onto the scrotal area. This area is perhaps the most sensitive in the entire body as there are more nerve endings there. Because of this, two needle injections (one for each vas deferens location) can be quite painful and is perhaps more traumatic than the actual stitching. The no-needle approach has been a godsend for those who wish to avoid as much pain as possible.

3. Many men report feeling far less anxiety with the no-needle approach than the traditional method. This reduces stress and cuts down on recovery time as well.

4. Very few men who undergo the no-needle vasectomy experience bruising which is remarkable. In addition, many men report little pain following the no-needle vasectomy. This is great news for recovery time.

5. Administering the anesthetic via a needle takes several minutes to accomplish whereas the no-needle approach using the jet spray technique takes just seconds. Overall, this can help reduce the overall time it takes to perform the surgery.

6. Anywhere on the body where there are quite a few sensitive nerve endings can benefit from the no-needle anesthetic approach. Any type of dentistry or even surgery or procedures involving the feet is a few examples.

7. The cost of the no-needle vasectomy is comparable with the needle-based approach. Best of all, insurance will likely cover the cost which is great news for your pocketbook and lifestyle. Indeed, satisfaction is very high with men who go with the no-needle approach.

8. Many doctors believe that with the advent of the no-needle approach to vasectomies, the surgical procedure has become a more legitimized form of permanent birth control. Men no longer have to feel frightened of the procedure or worry as much about the pain of recovery.

Of course, each man who considers a vasectomy should consider all facts, particularly the one which states this procedure is considered permanent. If they do not want children or want no more children than the ones they have, a vasectomy is the way to go, particularly the less painful method of the no-needle approach.

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