Fear Factor – What Gives Some Men Pause Regarding Vasectomies
The idea of having a vasectomy strikes fear in many men. While they may know it is the best form of permanent birth control, the fact that a delicate operation is conducted in their genital region is enough to put them off. While it is quite normal to be apprehensive about the surgery, knowing the facts about it could assuage some of their fears and allow them to consider the possibilities.
If a man is seriously considering a vasectomy, it is important to consult with a doctor and come armed to the appointment with questions about the surgery, as well as what happens before and after. Being armed with information and knowing what to expect is a large part of easing the fears surrounding a vasectomy. While knowing what to expect may not totally eliminate those fears, it can go a long way towards feeling more comfortable making that surgery appointment.
Here are a few of the fears that give many men pause when considering a vasectomy:
1. Having an operation on the genital area is probably the ultimate fear of most men, particularly when sharp objects will be nearby. Because the genitals are probably the most sensitive part of the body, just envisioning the anesthetic-delivering needles or the scalpel near their testes is enough to make them shudder.
Luckily, this fear of sharp objects in the nether regions can be allayed a bit with the knowledge that there are both a no-needle way to numb the genital area before surgery, as well as a no-scalpel way to perform the procedure.
2. Pain in the genital area is another fear that men have. How much is it going to hurt? Will there be a tugging feeling in the scrotal area during the surgery?
The answer to the pain fear is that men will not feel a thing “down there” once the anesthetic has numbed the area. There are no tugging sensations either. Now once the anesthetic wears off after the surgery, it will be normal to feel an ache or mild pain and discomfort. However, for the most part, this is alleviated by supportive underwear as well as an over the counter pain reliever.
The doctor may even prescribe a mild pain killer as well as the application of an ice pack to ease the ache. Luckily, this ache last just a few days.
3. The fear of infection and even surgery failure is also enough to give men pause for getting a vasectomy. As with any surgical procedure, things can go wrong, but statistics and history are on the side of the man. A vasectomy is quite safe and effective with few, if any, problems to worry about.
While there may be some swelling or even bleeding under the skin, this is easily cleared up. The man will not lose his penis or genitals and no one ever has. That is likely the true fear of surgical complications – the loss of an “important” body part.
4. Losing sexual desire and not being able to perform in the bedroom is another fear that many men have, when it comes to a vasectomy. The operation is a physical thing – the cutting of the vas deferens – and has nothing to do with chemical changes in the body like hormone levels. This means that masculinity is intact. Masturbation, sex and other acts are not affected.
Overall, each fear a man has about a vasectomy can easily be assuaged as long as they communicate those fears to the doctor. Without an open line of communication, men cannot be informed about the vasectomy and those fears will continue to grow.
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