A Look at Rosacea
October 20th, 2010 by Aldouspi

A Look at Rosacea

Rosacea, a common skin disease, can be a devastating condition for many people. This condition affects about one-third of the face and leaves the sufferer with a red, acne-like rash on the forehead, cheeks and nose. It can leave a person feeling frustrated with treatment options, the recurrence rate and feeling embarrassed and self conscious. The good news is that there are treatments for rosacea and while the condition never really goes away completely, there are things you can do to help. Here is a closer look at rosacea.

What exactly is rosacea?
Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects more middle-aged adults than anyone else. It most commonly strikes people who are fair skinned and is more frequent in women than men. Men who do suffer from this problem find that their cases are often more severe than women. When rosacea strikes, it affects primarily the face. You can often see redness on the forehead, the nose and the chin. Often, the cheeks are also affected and can look similar to sunburn or an acne break out. During a breakout of rosacea, the tiny blood vessels in the face dilate and they become more visible on the face.

The exact causes of rosacea are unknown, but it is known that more middle-aged women than anyone else are affected. Those who blush easily are also affected by this condition. It is thought that certain triggers can cause rosacea. These triggers vary, but it is believed that emotions play a large role?stress, fear and even anxiety can trigger a rosacea episode. In addition, some doctors and researchers believe that mites that are often find the hair follicle may also relate to rosacea. Stomach bacteria may also be a cause, although there are no proven facts that support these claims.

When a person first experiences rosacea, they may mistake it for an acne break out. This is because the redness looks much like acne. This will lead people to treat it like acne, but this can actually exacerbate the problem. After the first breakout of rosacea, it is very common for the condition to appear for a time and then disappear for sometime. Many people will notice that their skin never really looks the same again and the color may be “off” or pimples could actually follow the rosacea. In fact, rosacea never really goes away. It can get better, but it will always be present and if it is left untreated, the patient will find that their condition worsens. That is why a good diagnosis is important.

Once you have been diagnosed with rosacea, you might want to consult a dermatologist for a treatment. You have many treatment options depending on the severity of your case. Your doctor will help you find the one that is right for you. Most of the time, a topical solution is given. A good moisturizer and lotions may help lessen the redness and irritation. A certain diet may also help during the worst breakouts.

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