Irritable Bowel Syndrome – How does stress affect it?
April 24th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Although the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not yet known, a lot of doctors believe the disorder has a connection to the body’s immune system. Because tension can negatively affect the immune system it may also make the signs and symptoms and episodes of IBS worse. Should you suffer from IBS, tension can increase the frequency of symptom episodes, increase the intensity of those episodes and also interfere with the performance of your IBS treatment plan.

Stress can easily stimulate colon spasms in men and women with irritable bowel syndrome. Whenever your mind is burdened or overcome by an circumstance or notion, it produces chemicals. These chemicals act on the nerves within the colon and set off the intestines to contract or spasm, too fast or too slowly. Exactly like the heart along with the lungs, the colon is partly controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which responds to tension. These nerves control the regular contractions of the colon and cause abdominal distress at stressful times. Men and women frequently encounter cramps or “butterflies in their bellies” whenever they are really nervous or upset. In people with IBS, the colon might be overly receptive to even minor conflict or tension. Stress makes the mind much more aware of the sensations that occur within the colon, making the person perceive those sensations as uncomfortable.

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If you happen to eat a meal while feeling stressed those spasms can speed up or slow down your digestive system towards the point where you start getting signs and symptoms associated with looseness of the bowels or even constipation. An overactive digestive system may also generate an excess of gas when subjected to tension. This gassiness can lead to bloating, cramping and perhaps severe abdominal pain.

Men and women with a elevated requirement to achieve may also put themselves and their digestive system under significant pressure and usually are possible candidates for irritable bowel syndrome. Actually, there is some fascinating research which indicates IBS sufferers usually tend to fall into one of two types: those who consistently put others before themselves, and those who drive themselves quite hard.

In an attempt to discover effective treatments for the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, researchers have been investigating the various substances which are released during the stress response. A single substance that seems to have major importance within the tension response is corticotrophin-releasing-factor (CRF). CRF is a family of peptides, which are molecules that link amino acids that are found in both the brain as well as the gut. In the brain, CRF receptors are found in the areas associated to digestion, emotions as well as the autonomic nervous system. In the gut, CRF acts within the colon to increase mucous and water secretion, influences the rate of colon contractions, and appears to be associated to the experience of abdominal pain. It’s hoped that a much better understanding of the role of CRF could lead to refinements within the creation of medicines which aim at IBS signs and symptoms.

Some data indicates that IBS is actually affected by the immune technique, which fights infection within the body. For all these reasons, tension management is an crucial component of treatment method for IBS. Tension management options include:

stress reducing training and relaxation therapies including meditation
coaching and support
routine physical exercise including walking or yoga
changes towards the traumatic circumstances in your life
sufficient sleep

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