New Studies About Rosacea
December 24th, 2010 by Aldouspi

New Studies About Rosacea

For many years people who suffered from rosacea have had to depend on creams and lotions and oral medications that may or may not work for their rosacea. It is estimated that over 14 million Americans suffer from rosacea and these outbreaks can vary from very mild to very severe. Studies are always being done on this skin condition so that these people who suffer from rosacea can have a better outlook on life. If you are a loved one suffers from rosacea, then you might be interested to know that there are many new treatment options and medications that are being approved to treat rosacea flare-ups.

So what is new in rosacea? Before you begin to look at new treatment options is a good idea to remember that there is no cure or rosacea in rosacea is a progressive disease. And once you have it. It never truly goes away, and you might be able to learn how to control your outbreaks by understanding your own personal triggers and finding good medication. Some new prescription medications are being approved. That may make these flareups less severe. Mostly these include new oral antibiotics and topical solutions that will make these outbreaks heal faster and quicker than ever.

One topical solution that is currently being studied includes azthithromycin, which is also an oral antibiotic. It may actually heal the bumps and pustules caused by rosacea much quicker. A drug that is used to treat skin conditions such as scabies called Permethrin may also be quite effective in treating the symptoms associated with rosacea outbreaks. A common acne treatment used topically called Adapalene is another new option for rosacea patients. A mineral called zinc sulfate has been shown to have antioxidant properties and many dermatologists are saying that he can not only help acne, but it can also be quite effective in treating the symptoms that are caused by rosacea.

Another interesting research that is being conducted in the field of rosacea has to do with stomach ulcers. Some research suggests that people that suffer from rosacea may also have stomach ulcers and when stomach ulcers are treated effectively, the symptoms of rosacea often disappear. New technology may also lead the way to help rosacea patients lead a more active and healthy lifestyle. This includes a whole host of laser light treatment and pulsed lasers that may eradicate damage blood vessels. This can then lessen the severity and redness associated with rosacea.

Additionally, some studies suggest that heredity plays a large factor in whether or not a person will develop problems with rosacea. Your genes may be the reason why you suffer from this embarrassing skin condition. When researchers can better understand gene therapy, it may actually play a role in bettering the life of rosacea patients.

New advances are continually being made in the field of medicine and rosacea is no different. It could be that someday a cure is found for rosacea, but in the meantime rosacea patients have these new types of treatment options to consider.

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