The Top Schools in Psychiatry
July 8th, 2010 by Aldouspi

The Top Schools in Psychiatry
Students interested in pursuing careers in psychiatry have a long and difficult road ahead of them. If they are truly interested in making a difference and especially in the minds of sick patients, the journey will be interesting and worthwhile. As long as a student is going to go to the trouble of obtaining a bachelor’s degree, attending medical school and completing a residency, he should make sure that the school or schools that he chooses are going to live up to his needs and expectations. Schools exist all over the country. They exist because they grant degrees and people pay good money to obtain those degrees. Not every school can be considered a top school however. You can find lists of top schools as a starting point, but there are a few criteria that will help you determine if the school you are interested is really a quality psychiatry school.

New Research
A good psychiatry school will be conducting new and important research. Most schools have research departments, but sometimes there is not much happening in those departments. To get the scoop on new finds at your school of choice you can check out the website, scan the papers for press releases, or just send a quick e-mail to the department head. He may even remember your name when it comes time for you to do a little research of your own. The bottom line is, if a school is taking part in the developing field of psychiatry, they are probably equipped to bring you up to date on what you need to know.

Outstanding Grads
Another good mark of a quality psychiatry school is the graduate population. If the people who graduate with psychiatry degrees are doing outstanding work in the communities in which they live, they probably received a good education. If you can’t find anyone in the field who graduated from a particular school, you’ll have to ask yourself why that might be. Great accomplishments by graduates reflect well on their alma mater. You can bet that the schools will do their best to keep up with those grads that are changing lives, making a difference and winning awards.

Outreach Programs
The point of psychiatry is to treat illness and therefore help people. A really great psychiatry school will have programs that reach out to the communities in which they are located. They have a great resource of developing psychiatrists who need experience. Educating the public and offering psychiatric services at reduced costs will qualify a higher education facility for major brownie points when it comes time for potential students to choose a school. Not only is public service a responsible act, it will also grant students fantastic opportunities to gain extra practical knowledge and experience.

Political Action
A fourth mark of a good psychiatry school is its participation in political action which benefits psychiatrists and their practices. If you are planning to take your degree and actually practice psychiatry, it will be reassuring to know that a major institution is backing your progress and encouraging your success. Other political agendas involve lobbying for the rights of psychiatric patients.

Conference Activity
Academic conferences are a great stepping stone into the professional world. A good psychiatry school will have records of many students’ work being accepted at conferences. They may also employ faculty members who judge conference papers. The resulting resources available to students at such a school will help him to succeed to the best of his ability.

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