Playing the School Game When it
July 20th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Playing the School Game When it’s Hard
Children do indeed develop at different rates. Any parent with more than one child can testify to the fact that each child is different; each has a mind of his own. Every child exhibits different strengths and weaknesses as well. Some enjoy words and word games, while others would much rather just color or draw than to engage in thoughtful conversation or witty banter. It is totally natural for a child to seek refuge in the things that he is good at and to avoid the situations that reveal weakness. If a child is particularly good at compensating, it may be very difficult to detect a Learning Disorder.

What are Learning Disorders?
A Learning Disorder is a problem affecting one area of learning in particular. The areas that are accounted for are reading, writing and math. If a child has a significant difficulty in participating in any of the three listed skills and his own abilities in that area are far below expected levels, he may have a learning disability. If you suspect a learning disability, you may ask that the school test your child.

How Will I Know?
Special education has made significant advances in recent years due to education as well as legislation. There are actually programs in place that allow educational professionals to identify children who are at risk for learning disabilities even before they enter the school system. A learning disability is identified through testing. If a child’s ability to perform in a specific subject is far below his expected ability, he may be identified as having a learning disability. Expected abilities are determined by IQ levels and age levels. A kindergartner is not expected to read at a third grade level, for example. If his IQ is relatively high, however, he will be expected to read at grade level or higher.

If your child is maintaining good grades in school, there may be no need for concern. It is also possible, however, that he is compensating with other skills. When subject matter gets difficult, learning disabilities may come out into the open more obviously. If you do suspect a problem, it is never a bad idea to ask for testing.

What are the Options?
It is a good idea to encourage your child to work on weaknesses instead of avoiding them all together. If your child is identified as having one or more learning disabilities, you will probably attend regular meetings at school in order to work with the teachers and special education staff in order to set up an ideal learning environment for him. Typical procedure is to utilize strengths to build on weaknesses. As a parent you should know that staffing and special education teaching abilities may be less than ideal at your child’s school. You should be willing to take on some of the responsibility for educating him yourself. Create opportunities to improve at home and be ready to help with homework.

Learning disabilities are difficult to eliminate, but can be adapted to. Since every child is different in learning preferences, styles and abilities, the classroom situation is a challenge for any teacher. Teacher education is promoting diversified teaching methods now, more than ever. In addition to classroom experiences though, your child can benefit from your own creation of home teaching experiences.

Frances, Allen MD and First, Michael B. MD. Your Mental Health: A Layman’s Guide to
the Psychiatrist’s Bible. New York: Scribner, 1998.

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