All Children are Different
July 27th, 2010 by Aldouspi

All Children are Different, but What Differences are Normal? (Information About Mental Retardation)

Every parent joys over each developmental step that his or her child makes. They brag about the incredible learning going on, but they also fret that their child did not crawl or talk or do a number of other things as soon as some children do them. It is normal to wonder about development of children, but most typically, they are all just fine. On occasion though, there are more severe delays in development. If a parent is truly concerned, he should take his child in for a developmental screening. Intervention for Mental Retardation cannot happen too soon.

What is Mental Retardation?
Mental Retardation affects every part of a child’s functioning. If the case is mild, it may be impossible to detect until a child enters school. Severe Mental Retardation may be detected during infancy. It may be caused by chromosomal abnormalities or trauma or poisoning to the infant. Milder cases are typically genetic. There is really no way to prevent Mental Retardation. A good diet and a safe environment during pre-natal development will certainly reduce the risks. When the developmental problem occurs genetically or chromosomally, there is nothing that could have been done.

How Will I Know?
Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome will probably be detected before a baby is born. If not, physical differences will alert the doctors to the problem after the child is born. In cases of severe Mental Retardation, a child will experience very severe developmental delays. In the case of mild Mental Retardation, you will probably not know there is a problem until your child enters school. IQ tests are currently the favored method of detecting abnormalities. An IQ of 70 or below indicates Mental Retardation. In combination with the IQ testing, a child will also be observed for his ability to adapt to and function in his world.

What are the Options?
The most important thing for you to do as a parent is to love and nurture your child. A secure environment will improve his chances of being able to adapt to new circumstances. You will ideally want your child to be able to function as normally as possible in the outside world as well. Your child’s school will create an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for him in order to utilize his strengths and improve his weaknesses. You will be a part of the development process. As your child gets older, it will be important for him to begin learning life skills to be used to take care of himself.

Mental Retardation can be a difficult condition to deal with. It does not have to be impossible, however. With the support of your child’s school as well as the community, you will have extensive resources for teaching lifelong skills and adaptive abilities. If Mental Retardation is mild, your child will very likely go on to live a very normal life with minimal difficulties. In more severe instances, it is important to remember not to give up. Even small steps of improvement and learning are steps worthy of celebration.

Frances, Allen MD and First, Michael B. MD. Your Mental Health: A Layman’s Guide to
the Psychiatrist’s Bible. New York: Scribner, 1998.

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