The Effect of Exercise on Diabetes
May 6th, 2010 by Aldouspi

diabetes exercise

If you have Diabetes, it is extremely important that you get in at least 30 minutes a day of exercise.

If you want to properly manage Diabetes, exercise is key – it can reduce complications and improve treatment options. For example, some insulin dependent Diabetics are able to reduce the amount of insulin required to maintain glucose levels by losing weight.

Getting into exercise can be a challenge, but once you start working out on a consistent basis, it will become a part of your life. Remember that exercise does not always have to be regimented and boring. There are plenty of fun options that will allow you to get in activity and enjoy yourself.

Fun Ways to Exercise

Take a salsa class and dance those pounds away. Get the entire family into exercising with brisk family walks. Challenge your spouse to a game of tennis. Swim until your heart is content.

Whatever your favorite activities are, incorporate them into your workout routine so that you do not resent working out.

Be sure to mix up the workout routine every now and then. After a month of aerobics, you may want to switch things up and get in some weight training. You don’t have to completely eliminate aerobics from your exercise schedule.

For example, if you are doing five days of aerobics, replace two days of it with strength training.

Make sure that you get in aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises when you workout. This will keep you from getting bored and it will produce the best results. If you only do one type of workout, you will not be able properly sculpt your entire body. Spread the workout wealth by performing a number of different exercises.

Start off Small

If you have not been working out in the past, it is good to start off with just a few minutes of exercise.

Begin with ten minute walks on your lunch breaks or find a DVD that has ten minute workouts on it. Build up to half and hour a day over time and don’t push yourself too hard in the beginning. Excessive workouts will sour you on the idea of exercise and leave you over tired.

There is Strength in Numbers

Associating with others that workout and care about their health can go a long way. If your friends and family are watching their weight and exercising regularly, it will be so much easier for you to do the same.

If you have Diabetes, maintaining a healthy weight and workout regiment is vital to your quality of life. People that do not support these endeavors are not your friends. If someone is encouraging you to have fatty foods or to eat more than you should, they are not thinking about your best interest.

Remember, the better you manage your Diabetes, the higher quality of life you will be able to live. Mismanagement can lead to impairments and death and no one that loves you wants either one of those fates for you.

Diabetes and Heart Health

There is some interesting data that draws a correlation between Diabetes and heart disease. The reasons are pretty clear. Many of the factors that contribute to Diabetes also contribute to heart disease. They include obesity and lack of exercise. So start moving – you will help with your diabetes and your heart.

Dr. Knope discusses Type 2 Diabetes cure: exercise, nutrition

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