Gastrointestinal Disorders and You
March 10th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Gastrointestinal Disorders and You

Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are those in which the bowel looks normal, but does not work as it is designed to work. The most commonly found symptoms from those who suffer from these disorders are constipation and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Functional disorders are caused primarily by eating a diet that is too low in fiber, by not drinking enough water or other fluids, by not getting enough daily exercise, by traveling or other changes in daily routine that disrupts digestion, by eating large amounts of milk and milk products, by being overly stressed, by resisting the urge to have bowel movements, by overusing laxatives, by taking antacid medications on a regular basis, and certain medications such as antidepressants, strong pain relievers, or iron pills, and also conditions such as pregnancy.


This is when an individual has difficulty-passing stool or has infrequent (less than 3 a week) bowel movements. Its cause is usually an inadequate amount of “roughage” or fiber, a disruption of the regular routine or a change in diet. A person experiencing constipation strains when trying to have a bowel movement. When they do have a bowel movement it contains small, hard stools and can lead to anal fissures or hemorrhoids.

Treatment for constipation is usually to increase the water and fiber in your diet, to not resist the urge to move your bowels, to eat meals at regular times and to use laxatives and other bowel medications as a temporary solution only. If taking any bowel medication always read and follow package instructions carefully.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

This syndrome is also called, “spastic colon”, “irritable colon”, and also “nervous stomach”. There are many possible factors that trigger IBS including certain foods that are consumed, medications, and also emotional stress.

Symptoms for IBS include: abdominal pain and cramping, having an excessive amount of gas (more than 10 occasions of gas expulsions a day), abdominal bloating, and a change in bowel habits such as looser stools, or harder stools, or more urgent stools than the normal pattern. It is common for individuals with IBS to have both diarrhea interchanged with bouts of constipation.

IBS sufferers are usually advised to avoid caffeine drinks or caffeine in food items, to increase their fiber intake, and to drink more fluids, especially water every day. They should also keep track of which foods tend to trigger the IBS attacks and then to avoid these foods. If they smoke they are encouraged to quit. If under stress they should try to avoid stress or learn how to cope with stress better. Certain medications prescribed by a doctor can also bring relief from IBS symptoms.

Structural disorders are when the bowel does look abnormal and also when the bowel does not work normally. Commonly seen structural disorders are those associated with the anus, or that go along with diverticular disease or seen when treating cancer of the colon.

Other gastrointestinal disorders include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perianal abscesses, colon polyps, colon cancer, and also colitis.

Many gastrointestinal disorders can be prevented or minimized by maintaining a healthy diet and/or lifestyle and by practicing healthy bowel habits.

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