Digestive System Disorders May Be Traced Back To Laxatives
December 14th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Digestive System Disorders May Be Traced Back To Laxatives

There are times when digestive system disorders are man made. Sometimes they are brought on by diets which are lopsided or perhaps are more falling into the realm of faddishness than nutritional soundness. In some cases, digestive system disorders may be traced back to laxatives, which are experiencing somewhat of an overuse. Although holistic options, such as an increase in the fiber intake and also the adding of prunes or prune juice to the diet for a couple of days, will do away with most cases of constipation it is the chemically prepared over the counter medicine that seeks to do away with constipations – one of the most commonly experienced digestive system disorders – which is chosen as the treatment of choice.

Sure, you will experience almost instantaneous relief and your constipation will be done away with, but unfortunately you might also have just set yourself up for further digestive system disorders that may be more serious than the constipation that bothered you. No matter how gentle a commercially available laxative claims to be, the fact that constipation in adults is a symptom of poor eating habits must be dealt with to avoid further gastrointestinal upset. If this is not accomplished with a modification of nutritional intake, then it is likely that before long you will once again suffer the need to use this form of treatment.

After a while, you will find that voiding will become next to impossible without help. Thus, digestive system disorders may be traced back to laxatives in that the intestines are becoming dependent on the action of the laxative to perform the expulsion of the feces. In such a case, patients are known to be suffering from chronic constipation. Hand in hand with such a form of constipation is the possibility of electrolyte imbalances since the hydration usually experienced in the lower intestines is now compromised by the feces which are remaining in the body longer than intended. In addition to the foregoing, you will find that with the potential for rapid dehydration you may also begin suffering from cramping, frequent urinary tract infections, and even find that activities which you used to enjoy become painful if any bending at the waist is required.

The best method of avoiding and seeking to counteract such chronic constipation is to revamp the diet you are currently ingesting. Increase the natural fiber content, add prunes in their various incarnations – juice, dried, and in puree form – and do not reach for the laxatives any longer. Instead, rely on those natural intestinal cleansers to get things moving, and take warm baths to help relax you and also encourage your lower intestine with the help of the water pressure to permit for natural voiding. Parents will be wise to model this kind of behavior to children, since the ease with which children turn into adults who will also fill up their medicine cabinets with such chemicals is truly stunning. Rather than setting your son or daughter up for digestive system disorders that may be traced back to laxatives, do all you can to ensure that she or he learns how to alter food choices to give the body what it needs.

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