What to Expect with Lupus – Lupus Symptoms
January 27th, 2011 by Aldouspi

What to Expect with Lupus – Lupus Symptoms

lupus symptoms

With lupus, there is no one part of the body that will definitely be affected or one part that will not. For starters, what symptoms one has are based solely on how mild or severe the case of lupus the person has. Effects can be mild and the person may have an easy time of living with this disease. Or the effects may be severe, and the person could require several aggressive medications to keep the discomforts and dangers under control. Most people live in the middle. But either way all lupus suffers will have some common discomforts.

There is more than one way that a person’s joints may cause pain. Usually, it is from inflammation and swelling. This is another word for arthritis. It is one of the most common discomforts of lupus.

As many as nine out of ten lupus sufferers will have some degree of arthritis. They usually suffer from it in their hands, but sometimes it is in the wrists or feet. It can be worst upon rising in the morning and ease off during the day. Sometimes, arthritis can be quite debilitating, but with lupus it usually does not get that serious.

The tendons can also be affected. When there is inflammation in the tendons they react by tightening. This can make the fingers, or toes, move unwillingly into odd positions. Fortunately, this is a rare affect.

As many as sixty five percent of lupus sufferers will have some kind of muscle pain. This is called myalgia. It is worst around the muscles that run between the knees and hips or one that go from the neck to the elbow. There can be inflammation of the muscles, rarely, but when there is, it can be more serious than a bout of myalgia.

Everyone who knows anything about lupus is familiar with the way it affects the skin. Nearly sixty five percent of people with this disease have rashes of some kind. This can be anything from the malar or butterfly rash that is most noticeable as it runs across the cheeks and bridge of the nose or it can be hives, mouth sores or altered pigmentation. This change in pigmentation can be either patches that lighten or darken the skin.

Around thirty five percent of lupus patients deal with a symptom that turns their fingers blue when they get too cold or the person is feeling overstressed. This is called Raynaud’s phenomenon.

Ten percent of lupus patients will have seizures. Thirty three percent will have positive tests that will show abnormalities in the cerebrospinal fluid. Renal failure will happen to five percent of them. Twenty percent of those with lupus will have to deal with arthropathy which, though it is not destructive of the bone mass, can cause deformities traced back to the disease.

This disease can even cause a false result, if someone is having a test for syphilis; giving a positive when there should not be one.

Still despite all the things that a patient might have to deal with, treatments today, are able to allow those with lupus to lead fairly normal lives.

Recommended Lupus Resources:

The Lupus-Reversing Breakthrough

A Groundbreaking Scientifically Proven Program For Curing Lupus: This Is The Most Effective Lupus-reversing Resource Available On The Net, Bar None!

The Lupus Bible & Norton Protocol

Lupus ruins the life of over 1.5 million people in USA alone. Groundbreaking holistic protocol socially proven worldwide finally offers hope that the pain can stop and these people who suffer so terribly can live normally once again.

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Books on Lupus…

Lupus Causes, Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis and Treatments
by: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
published: 2008-10-26
sales rank: 115037

This booklet is for people who have systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly called SLE or lupus, as well as for their family and friends and others who want to better understand the disease. The booklet describes the disease and its symptoms and contains information about diagnosis and treatment as well as current research efforts supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and other components of the Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health (NIH). It also discusses issues such as health care, pregnancy, and quality of life for people with lupus. If you have further questions after reading this booklet, you may wish to discuss them with your doctor.

By Reading this Booklet You Will Learn:

Defining Lupus
Understanding What Causes Lupus
Symptoms of Lupus
Diagnosing Lupus
Treating Lupus
Lupus and Quality of Life
Pregnancy For Women With Lupus
Current Research
Hope for the Future
For More Information

Information Boxes
Common Symptoms of Lupus
Diagnostic Tools for Lupus
Warning Signs of a Flare
Preventing a Flare
Tips for Working With Your Doctor
Promising Areas of Research

The Embarrassing Truth About Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and How to Manage It
by: Joseph Newburg
published: 2010-07-09
sales rank: 198220

If you are someone you love is suffering from Disseminated (Systemic) Lupus Erythematosus, SLE (Autoimmune Disease) then this amazing book is a must read for you.

This book is the latest rendering of the ongoing series of The Embarrassing Disease Books written by Author Joseph Newburg. The author has endeavored to bring you all the information you will need to fight this terrible and debilitating disease, and he tells you how to overcome the embarrassing side effects and have a happy and fulfilling life.

This book will change your outlook on this embarrassing disease and will guide you step-by-step in the diagnosis, symptoms, treatments and prognosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. This book will inform you on all types of treatment for SLE including natural healing, and if packed with well researched information on every aspect of this disease.

What to Expect with Lupus – Lupus Symptoms related articles from the blogosphere…

Lupus Symptoms | Women Blog

Lupus is a disease in which patients have good days and bad days. Some days your symptoms are worse and you feel ill; other days the symptoms are not as bad and you feel better. It is not a contagious disease in that it can be …

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Lupus – Benefits of Fish Oil – Fish Oil and Its Benefits

Fish oil helps with lupus symptoms – Researchers in Northern Ireland the University of Ulster found that people with the lupus disease who eat tuna, mackerel and similar fish containing omega-3 fish oil reduce their lupus symptoms. …

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On the Road to a Lupus Cure: Lupus Foundation of America and RN

It can take years to diagnose lupus. More than half of the people with lupus visited three or more doctors and suffered four or more years before being diagnosed. There is no single test to diagnose lupus, and symptoms, such as fatigue, …

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Lupus Symptoms Video

Lupus symptoms are discussed by Dr. Dahlman as well as an all natural therapy to reduce or eliminate your lupus symptoms.

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