Diagnosing Lupus Through Symptoms
February 15th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Diagnosing Lupus Through Symptoms

Diagnosing Lupus

Lupus is a type of disease that is particularly difficult to diagnose properly. Lupus is often referred to as `the great imitator’ due to the fact that it has many different symptoms that an individual may experience. Another problem is that the symptoms that one feels from a case of lupus can come and go at a moments notice, making it a particularly pesky problem for doctors to deal with.

In this article, we’ll refer to some of the more commonly used methods that doctors use to diagnose the disease, so that you can better identify the possible symptoms that the disease can cause, keeping yourself and the people that you love at a better chance for diagnosing the disease early if it occurs.

There are eleven basic symptoms that an individual may experience that can denote a case of lupus. In order for a successful diagnosis of the disease, doctors stress that a patient needs to be experiencing at least four of the symptoms simultaneously or nearly simultaneously during an observatory period.

A malar rash is one of the main symptoms of lupus; as a matter of fact, it’s probably where the disease got its name. Doctors in the middle ages coined the term `lupus’ because of the resemblance to wolves faces that malar rashes can cause.

The second symptom for diagnosis is known as `discoid lupus’, and it refers to the presence of scaly patches on the individuals skin which may leave scars.

Photosensitivity is a third symptom; individuals with lupus may develop rashes when exposed to the sun.

Oral ulcers are the fourth symptom in the diagnosis, and a case of arthritis in one or more joints is the fifth.

Renal disorders are the sixth symptom which causes an individual to release protein in their urine. This disorder can be diagnosed by the doctor examining a urine sample under a microscope.

A neurological disorder is the seventh symptom, which can manifest itself in a case of seizures or a form of psychosis.

The eighth symptom is known as serositis, and it can cause an inflammation of the area around the lungs or around the heart.

The ninth is a hemotalogic disorder, which refers to a lack of white blood cell levels in an individual with no drugs causing the occurrence.

For the tenth symptom, an anti-nuclear antibody test is performed. If the test comes out positive, a symptom may be added to the diagnosis.

The last symptom for a diagnosis of lupus is known as an immunologic disorder, and it may be discovered through a syphilis test, surprisingly enough. If a syphilis test is performed and a false positive result is returned, the immunologic disorder symptom is fulfilled.

Now that you know a little more about the possible problems that an individual may have that can indicate a case of lupus, you are better prepared for dealing with the problem should it arise in yourself or someone that you know. While there is no cure yet, much progress is being made in the field of lupus research.

Recommended Lupus Resources…

=> The Lupus Bible & Norton Protocol

Lupus ruins the life of over 1.5 million people in USA alone. Groundbreaking holistic protocol socially proven worldwide finally offers hope that the pain can stop and these people who suffer so terribly can live normally once again.

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