Alternative Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease
March 4th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Alternative Treatments for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's Disease

In addition to conventional treatment for Parkinson's disease, many people have found that there are alternative and auxiliary treatments that can help control the symptoms and give them a better quality of life for a longer period of time. While conventional practitioners who are schooled in Western methods tend to be skeptical of traditional Eastern and other types of therapy, insurance companies are increasingly inclined to pay for alternative and complementary therapies – which says a great deal about their possible effectiveness. Even most Western doctors agree that some of these treatments can help preserve function in many patients with Parkinson's disease.

Diet – Eating a healthy diet is important for anyone, but those with Parkinson's disease may have some particular concerns about diet. In particular, there is some evidence that high protein intake may interfere with the actions of L-dopa, the primary medication used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's. In addition, since Parkinson's disease affects the muscles of the digestive tract, many people with the disease report constipation, and feeling “full&” soon after beginning to eat. Nutritionists familiar with the disease suggest that people with Parkinson's may benefit from an increase in dietary fiber, and more frequent, smaller meals.

Antioxidant Supplements – Antioxidants are substances that help combat cell death that's due to free radicals in the body. Several studies have been done with different antioxidants to see, if supplementing the dietary intake of antioxidants can help protect the brain cells from damage. Some studies have shown that taking Coenzyme Q10 at doses of about 1200 mgs per day can slow the progression of symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Vitamin E has also been studied, but there's no evidence to support that it helps slow the progress of Parkinson's. On the other hand, eating a healthy diet that concentrates on whole foods, including grains, fruits and vegetables, may provide added protection to the brain and nerve cells. It will certainly help you feel better.

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Ayurveda – Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system, and may contain one of the first references to Parkinson's disease, nearly 2,500 years ago. Some people with Parkinson's disease have found that following the principles of Ayurveda help control the symptoms of Parkinson's. Treatment of disease with Ayurveda consists of detoxification, then adjustments to the balance of the system through various therapies including yoga and meditation.

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Yoga – The practice of yoga involves an entire lifestyle that integrates body, mind and soul in achieving balance. In terms of Parkinson's, at the very least, yoga is good exercise and can help maintain posture and physical balance. Most senior centers offer yoga classes, and instructors will inquire about physical limitations before instituting an exercise program.

Both yoga and Tai Chi can help patients with Parkinson's disease develop and maintain strength, flexibility and balance, and may be more palatable for many people than traditional exercise and physical therapy regimens.

Herbal Medicine – A traditional herbalist may prescribe an infusion of herbs or plants to treat “nerves” or other symptoms of Parkinson's disease. It's important to remember that herbal medicines and supplements are not regulated by the FDA, and many have potent effects that may interfere with the effects of other medications that have been prescribed. If you choose to use herbal treatments for Parkinson's disease, be sure to consult your doctor and let him know what you're taking.

Recommended Parkinson’s Disease Resource:
=> All About Parkinson’s

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