Dealing With Depression during Menopause
March 30th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Dealing With Depression during Menopause

For many women, menopause and depression tend to go together. Of course, some women will not have a very severe depression, while other women will have such a bout with depression that it literally shuts down their systems.

There seems to be no perfect answer as to why depression occurs so regularly with menopause. However, most doctors are coming to believe that the depression most women have with menopause occurs because of the serious decrease in estrogen levels that occur at this time. Other researchers, though, contend that the depression is caused by the symptoms a woman must constantly battle during menopause – like insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes, fatigue, and mood swings that she simply cannot control. Regardless of the cause, menopause and depression occur quite regularly together.

If you are currently experiencing menopause depression symptoms, even those associated with early menopause, you should first remember that you are not the only one in this situation. Thousands of women, have the same problem, on a regular basis. Your next step should be to talk to your doctor about possible solutions to your depression symptoms.

You might also try to control the symptoms on your own. You can start this by getting rid of the stresses you simply don't need in your life. For example, if there are tasks that you feel you are in over your head on, try getting people around you to help out. This can take some of the stress off of you. This may be a bit of a challenge, but in the end, it can certainly help to reduce that stress.

In addition to these things, it may also be necessary to work on your diet. A change to a diet that consists mainly of meats that are very lean, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (especially the dark, leafy green ones), and whole grains will certainly help your body feel better, alleviating some of your depression symptoms. Thirty minutes of exercise each day may also help to get rid of some of your depression symptoms.

In addition to changing your diet, you may also want to try some natural remedies. Black Cohosh has been proven in a number of different studies to help women deal with their menopause related depression symptoms. Pasque Flower has also been known to have the same effects. Talk to your local herbalist to get some directions on how to use these products to help with menopause related depression.

If natural remedies do not work for you, you may need to speak with your doctor about hormone replacement therapy. While this should not be used on a long term basis, it can help you get past the roughest parts of menopause. If you feel you will benefit by it, it is a good idea to talk to a professional counselor or therapist.

There are two major forms of therapy that most professionals recommend for menopausal women. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you find ways to think positively about your life. The therapist will help depressive patients use newly developed mental tools to change their total outlook on life. The other type of therapy helps patients work with their interpersonal skills. Women learn how to communicate, which can help them deal with others, while they are experiencing periods of depression.

Treating your depression like as a serious illness, no matter what method of treatment you use, will help you get past it sooner.

=> Recommended Menopause Resources:
Natural Menopause Relief Secrets
Menopause Acupressure: Natural, Safe & Easy Relief

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