Arthritis and Complementary Therapy
April 25th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Arthritis and Complementary Therapy

Arthritis therapy

There are over 100 different kinds of arthritis. If you have been diagnosed with one of these, your doctor has probably offered you one or more different types of drug therapies. Drug therapies can be used safely and effectively to treat many kinds of arthritis. But maybe you are wondering if there is something else you can do to help stave off the effects and symptoms of arthritis.

Consider complementary therapy as part of your arsenal in your battle against arthritis. If you are interested in complementary therapy – what it is and what it can do for you, here are some tips on the most popular forms of therapy and how you can incorporate complementary therapy into your life.

Complementary therapy, as the name implies, is meant to complement more conventional form of therapies. Complementary therapy can refer to a whole host of practices and therapies that can augment more traditional approaches such as drug therapies.

Acupuncture and acupressure are two ancient Chinese forms of therapy that have been used for thousands of years. They are used to treat migraines, infertility, to aid in smoking cessation, and a host of other ailments and conditions. Acupuncture and acupressure have also been used to treat the symptoms of arthritis. More studies are increasingly showing that acupuncture and acupressure have positive results for arthritis patients. These ancient Chinese practices are steadily becoming more popular in the United States, and are even growing more accepted by the mainstream medical establishment.

Acupuncture uses long wooden needles that are applied to the patient's pressure points.

Acupressure, not to be confused with acupuncture, uses a different technique to apply pressure. The acupressure practitioner uses his or her fingers instead of needles.

Studies have shown that these two practices seem to release endorphins in patients, causing feeling of pleasantness and comfort. It appears that these techniques may also contain strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Herbal supplements are another important component of complementary therapy. These therapies are very attractive to many people because they hold the promise of relief from arthritic symptoms without the side effects of conventional drug therapies. Before taking any herbal supplements, consult your medical professional.

Just because herbal supplements are natural does not make them any less potent. Another important consideration in implementing herbal supplements into your arthritis therapy is that the quality herbal supplements can vary widely. Make sure to buy wisely when choosing your herbal supplements. Buy from a reputable dealer or health food store to make sure you are getting quality herbal supplements.

Also, try to only use one product at a time. If you use more than one product, it will be hard to gauge the effects of the individual herbal supplements you are using. A good idea is to keep a journal where you can keep notes about the effects of each medication. This will help you keep track of what seems to work, what doesn't, and if there are any side effects or interactions. Again, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor and ask questions to make sure there are no drug interactions.

Recommended Arthritis therapy resources…

Second Opinion Arthritis Treatment Kit

Newly released product from nationally known arthritis specialist.

Alternative Therapy

Aromatherapy, Reiki, Reiki Music, Hopi Ear Candling, Indian Head Massage, Colour Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Eft (emotional freedom), Hypnotherapy, Sound therapy, Crystal Therapy, New Age Music, Meditation.

The New Arthritis Breakthrough: The Only Medical Therapy Clinically Proven to Produce Long-term Improvement and Remission of RA, Lupus, Juvenile RS, … & Other Inflammatory Forms of Arthritis
by: Henry Scammell
publisher: M.Evans & Company, published: 1998-03-25
ASIN: 0871318431
EAN: 9780871318435
sales rank: 82927
price: $13.94 (new), $11.16 (used)

…can be miraculous for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.– Health & Healing, Tomorrow’s Medicine Today

Imak Arthritis Gloves Small (Pack of 2)
publisher: IMAK
EAN: 0649833201705
sales rank: 4307
price: $19.98 (new)

The IMAK Arthritis Gloves help relieve aches, pains and stiffness associated with Arthritis of the hands. The unique design provides mild compression, offers warmth and helps increase circulation and promote healing. The Arthritis Gloves are made of soft

MAGNETIC THERAPY Queen Mattress Pad for Back Pain Relief
publisher: Magnetic Therapy Products
ASIN: B000A41A9Q
sales rank: 428323
price: $399.99 (new)

Our Magnetic Therapy, for daytime and nighttime PAIN RELIEF has been Medically test proven, at major Medical Centers, to effectively increase blood circulation and provide outstanding pain relief These therapeutic magnets reduce swelling and pain, expediting the healing process for chronic and acute conditions.
Our magnetic therapy provides excellent results whether the conditions are acute or chronic.
Measures 58”W X 72.5”L


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