Aromatherapy Health Benefits
You’ve heard of aromatherapy, but are wondering if it’s for real? Have any doctors or scientists looked into aromatherapy? It turns out there are several well-regarded studies on aromatherapy, some of which point to definite health benefits.
Many people use aromatherapy to create a sense of calm or to change their mood. In some cases you can evoke specific physical reactions in your body with the use of smell.
Smell is a powerful sense; it goes directly to the emotional center of your brain, creating very distinct reactions. That’s why you feel nostalgic when you smell your mother’s perfume (even in a different location, on a different person) or freshly cut grass.
One of the most trusted of the aromatherapy studies shows that lavender has a very powerful affect on you physically. Lavender actually calms you physically by lowering your blood pressure and slowing your heart rate. This why massage therapists put lavender in their massage oils–to help your body relax. Many geriactric units are starting to use lavender to calm and soothe dementia patients. You can also use geranium essential oil, which is similar in effect.
The scent of peppermint has also been studied scientifically. Peppermint jolts you into a state of alertness, helping you focus and remain on task. One particular study allowed kids to chew gum while answering questions on a test, and discovered that when kids chew peppermint gum, they score better.
Grapefruit essential oil is rumored to act as an appetite suppressant. Another fun thing about grapefruit essential oils was discovered in a study evaluating men, scent, and age–apparently men think women who smell like grapefruit are younger than those who wear other scents.
However, you have to be careful when choosing aromatherapy products. Your body won’t have the same response to a synthetic product as an essential oil. High grade essential oils are more effective than low grade oils. Buy an all-natural essential oil and then use to diffuse in your home and to add to almond oil or lotion base.
Recommended Aromatherapy Resource…
Complete Guide To Aromatherapy
A complete guide to Aromatherapy, essential oils and massage for improved health. Contains the full course notes of our ($2400) Accredited Aromatherapy UK Course.
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