Benefits Of Eating Tuna
April 15th, 2011 by health

Benefits Of Eating Tuna

When it comes to your health, one of the most important things for remaining healthy is eating the right things. You might think of fruits and vegetables when you think of “eating the right things,” but there is more to remaining healthy than just eating fruits and vegetables, and actually, there are many other foods with enormous health benefits! One of these foods that is especially beneficial to your body – a food that is both inexpensive and easy to prepare – is tuna fish!

=> Check Out: Healthy Eating For Kids.

Up until about one hundred years ago, people thought that tuna was unfit to eat; but nowadays, you will see tuna practically everywhere. The health benefits of eating tuna – which, of course, is absolutely fit to eat – are truly extraordinary!


One of the major health benefits of tuna comes in the area of strokes; if you eat tuna one to four times per week, you will be 27% less likely to suffer a stroke than if you do not. When you eat tuna fish, you also help your body by lowering your blood pressure because of the presence of omega-3 fatty acid. And perhaps the biggest benefit tuna has on the human body comes on the brain, as those who eat tuna just twice per week are far more likely to maintain cognitive efficiency than those who eat it less than once per month – in fact, studies have shown eating tuna twice per week makes you 28% less likely to suffer dementia and 41% less likely to have Alzheimer’s.

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While it is better to buy tuna that is as fresh as possible – as some minerals are lost in the canning process – you will still be able to experience most of the health benefits of tuna even if you are buying canned tuna. While many people realize that tuna is good for them because of the lean protein, they fail to realize just how beneficial tuna truly is!


If you are pregnant or nursing, you should avoid tuna and any other large, predatory fish, because these fish are high in mercury. If you are not pregnant or nursing, however, you are safe to start incorporating tuna into your diet, and in time you can watch the future of your health improve dramatically!

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