Delicious Low-Calorie Treats for Spring or Anytime
April 2nd, 2011 by health

Delicious Low-Calorie Treats for Spring or Anytime

shrimp cocktail lemons

With Spring, comes the desire to eat better and get in shape; why not use use this motivation to eat low-cal dishes.

Whip up a shrimp cocktail snack plate. Sure, you have to pay a little more for good jumbo shrimp, but the indulgence and healthfulness of the dish makes it all worth it. Choose between pre-made or homemade cocktail sauce (both are easy), but whatever you do, choose the low-sugar sauce with lots of horseradish. The high protein shrimp will fill you up and keep you satisfied for a long time, and the sauce will satisfy your need for a flavorful experience.

Zip up some zucchini. For this quick and easy dish, you’ll need to finely chop a clove of garlic and a large clump of basil, plus a small tomato and a small zucchini, which you’ll want to slice into bite-sized pieces.

In a skillet (with a bit of olive oil), you’ll saute the garlic, then the tomato, and then zucchini, adding the basil last. Squeeze half a lemon on it all and enjoy! This low-calorie treat is flavorful, filling, and simple.

Go Greek with this sure-fire salad. You’ll want to use a small amount of very flavorful ingredients to make the vegetables in this salad delectable.

Mince half of a clove of garlic and three whole (but pitted) kalamata olives. Combine garlic and olives with a tablespoon each of vinegar and olive oil to make a dressing. Combine any low-cal vegetables of your choice such as lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots, celery, cucumbers, and then toss with the dressing. Grind fresh black pepper over the top, and add a sprinkle of strongly flavored cheese of your choice.

Keep yourself thin by collecting low cal recipes that work for you.

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Recommended Resource…

100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats

Healthy, natural, sugar free, no cook recipes. Living Nutrition for Living Bodies. Learn how simple it is to improve your health with these 100 quick and easy recipes

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