At Home, Core Workouts
March 26th, 2011 by health

At Home, Core Workout

Core Workout

Do you want to strengthen your core muscles, but aren’t sure how? Improving core strength won’t just make you look better; it’ll also help you stand up straighter and maintain your balance. These core exercises will tighten your abs and improve your posture.

Do the good old sit up and crunch routine. These two moves are reliable and effective. Make sure you ground your lower back, gently support your neck with your fingertips, and lift and lower slowly and steadily, without jerking, as you sit all the way up for sit ups and lift partway for crunches.

Pretend to ride your bicycle for a great ab and oblique workout. Stay lying on the ground, but bend your knees and lift them so your toes point towards the wall. Lift your upper body and touch your opposing elbow and knee. Next release that side and lift the other elbow such that it comes to the opposing knee. Keep this up, using smooth movements, mimicking riding a bike.

Challenge your core muscles by lifting your legs and then lowering them. Stay on your back, with your legs straight out and your arms by your side or extended. Keeping your lower back solidly on the ground, lift both legs, slowly, until they point to the ceiling. Concentrating on your stomach muscles, slowly lower your legs until they touch the ground.

Get solid abs by acting like a plank. Lie on your stomach, with your hands under your shoulders. Start out by using your arms to lift you into a push up position, but then freeze, engaging your ab muscles and making sure your back is straight. Remain in this position until you can’t any longer; ease yourself back into the starting position and rest.

Exercise while you work by sitting on an exercise ball. The ball will require you to engage those core muscles so you can stay upright, even while you’re working.

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Recommended Core Workout Resources…

=> Unique and super effective core training, build a strong core fast!

Everyone wants a strong midsection and CoreSTRONG 13 is a proven, fast way to get it. This product is different than the average ‘6 pack ab’ product as it offers outside the box workouts by the King of Core Barry Lovelace.

=>Core Power For Baseball

Core Power for Baseball is for baseball players and coaches. Many baseball players are looking for an edge and this unique product supplies it.

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