What Are The Healthiest Fast Food Options?
March 21st, 2011 by health

What Are The Healthiest Fast Food Options?

health fast food

Although we all know that fast food is never exactly the healthiest option, it is sometimes the only option! If you spend a lot of time on the road, or if you work at a job where it makes more sense to eat fast food, than to pack your own lunch, you might be stuck eating this food whether you want to or not. And if this happens to be the case for you, you will want to make sure you know what the healthiest fast food options are.

When you are in a position where you frequently have to eat fast food, one of the most difficult aspects can be that you often do not get to choose which fast food restaurant you will be eating at, as this often ends up being decided by others. If this is the case, know that most fast food establishments such as McDonald’s and Wendy’s include salads on their menu. Of course, you are not getting organic ingredients (or even ingredients that are necessarily fresh) when you buy salads from these places, but it is better than many of the alternatives!

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If, on the other hand, you are able to choose on your own where you will eat, Chick-fil-A is a good option. They are pricier than some other fast food options, but this is because they aim to only use fresh, healthy ingredients. And even though you might not feel like spending the money, the trade off of a healthier option and tremendous taste usually makes it worth the money! For a Chick-fil-A near you, click here.

And if you are looking for the healthiest fast food option (that is, if you have time to not go through a drive-thru), look no further than Panera Bread. You can choose from a number of healthy, delicious options for sandwiches, salads, and soups. But realize that you will have to be careful when you go to Panera – there are also some unhealthy options calling to you from the display cases at the counter! For Panera locations click here.

Whenever you can pack a lunch, that is what you should do; but at those times when you cannot pack a lunch, you should go with one of these options.

Healthy Food Options…

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More about What Are The Healthiest Fast Food Options?

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A panel examined America’s hundred largest fast food chains and ranked the healthiest ones based on factors including: healthy fats and preparations, healthy sodium counts in entrées, availability of nutritional information, …

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Almost every single “get healthy” and “weight loss” document you read will tell you to skip the drive through and make all of your meals.

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MySpace Friend Me www.myspace.com Healthy Fast Food? Nutrition by Natalie Can you really order healthy food from a fast food place like like Wendys, Taco Bell, McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Etc? Please visit Natalie’s website at…

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