Causes of Cellulite
May 9th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Causes of Cellulite

Causes cellulite

Cellulite represents one of the most negative aspects of the skin. Over 80% of women fight cellulite through specifically different ways. These include diets, massages or different creams, lotions and potions. Due to the connection between women and the estrogen hormone, cellulite is usually a feminine problem. However there are a few men who suffer with cellulite. The explanation for this is probably a higher level of estrogen hormones in their body.

While nobody knows what really causes it, there are many theories concerning the causes of cellulite. What we can say is that, the causes of cellulite are numerous and different. But, one thing most common for cellulite is its origin.

Specialists believe it all begins in adolescence, when the estrogen hormone begins to trigger the laying down of the fat in the body. This happens because the cells become enlarged in the sub-dermis, and shows on the thighs and hips. Gradually, the lymph fluid that passes through these tissues starts to accumulate. The fat cells tend to be compressed and start to harden into lumps. Cellulite is the result.

But this is not the only problem that makes cellulite appear on our bodies. Several lifestyle factors can also cause cellulite. Among them is drinking alcohol, the lack of exercise, smoking, food additives, chemical preservatives, excess ingestion of sugars and fats, and so on. Aging is also an important factor. Due to the aging process, there is a decrease of the tone and thickness of the connective tissue within the dermis, making cellulite appear much more quickly in an older person.

Another theory of what causes cellulite is the thought that the makeup of the strands of fibrous tissue in women and men are different. For example, a man's fibrous tissue in his skin forms a net that is perpendicular in shape. A woman's net of fibrous tissue is formed by X's. It is also believed that the fibrous tissue of women is woven tighter; this is why the dimpling effects are so much worse in women than they are in men.

Recent studies have shown there are more and more obese people all around the world and it's getting worse every year. (This is the case for the more developed countries). In fact, 35% of the population in US, and about 20% in UK are obese. These statistics are mirrored in most western countries. Because we are a "growing" society, the effects of cellulite will only become more pronounced, as it is a much worse problem in those women who are overweight. It is also much more difficult to eradicate.

Of course, slim women do get cellulite, but it doesn't usually appear to be as much of a problem for them as it is for women who are obese. So the obvious choice here, if you have cellulite and you are overweight, is to lose weight, start eating sensibly and get more exercise. The cellulite then should start to improve, if not disappear completely.

Recommended Cellulite Removal Resources…
=> Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux – Not Weight Loss, Not a Gym Routine. Simple Laser Targeted Home Exercise Program Works Big Time. Only Proven Way for Women to Reduce Cellulite Forever.

=> The Official Cellulite Cure – Hot new cellulite removal program. Does not require weight loss, actually works!

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