Do Cellulite Creams Work?
Technically, cellulite is not considered to be a health problem or condition so there are no medical treatments available. Cellulite is actually a normal part of the female body physiology, but that doesn't mean we have to like it.
In the age of body beautiful, where women are bombarded on a daily basis with messages about what is acceptable and what is not it seems that everyone is looking for the miracle cure for cellulite. And wherever there is a market, there will always be those who rush to supply it.
This being said there are many, many potions, creams and lotions available all promising wonderful benefits and cellulite reducing features. The big question is whether any of these really work.
Before parting with any hard earned cash to purchase the latest cellulite solution or remedy it pays to undertake some research to establish whether there is any scientific basis for the claims being made. There are many ways to check things out in this internet age and there is no longer any excuse for allowing yourself to be duped.
There are a number of consumer product review sites on which information can be found about all manner of products – including those claiming to treat cellulite. By undertaking even modest amounts of research and not just blindly accepting what is printed on the label, it is possible for the consumer to make an informed buying decision.
Some manufacturers offer guarantees on their products. This is always a good sign as it indicates that they have some faith in the effectiveness of their product and it of course offers the consumer some protection. In reality, most companies know that it has been statistically shown that the majority of consumers fail to claim under guarantees – but the smart shopper will.
It is important to examine the ingredients list of any product to ensure that there are no conflicts with any other products you may be using or pharmaceutical drugs you may have been prescribed. If in doubt, check with your doctor.
Many skin preparations now contain high levels of Vitamin A which is not recommended for use during pregnancy.
No one ingredient has been proven to banish cellulite through external application. There are all number of theories supporting products containing a number of ingredients. Some stimulate circulation to the area affected by cellulite to improve drainage and toxin elimination. Others claim to encourage the elimination of any remaining fat cells and others claim to restore the elasticity of the connective tissue. There is very little actual scientific study of the claims – the statements made are all supported by the manufacturers own consumer surveys which could be argued to be a little biased.
The main benefit of any lotion or cream is that it needs to be physically massaged into the skin and it is this action which is as beneficial as any of the ingredients in what will have undoubtedly have been a very cleverly packaged and marketed product. This is not to say that products do not work – there is no more evidence to this effect than there is evidence to the contrary. It is simply to say that there is no doubt that massage alone can be very beneficial.
Recommended Cellulite Removal Resources…
=> Kick-Butt Cellulite Redux – Not Weight Loss, Not a Gym Routine. Simple Laser Targeted Home Exercise Program Works Big Time. Only Proven Way for Women to Reduce Cellulite Forever.
=> The Official Cellulite Cure – Hot new cellulite removal program. Does not require weight loss, actually works!
Cellulite Creams
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