Helping Others Keeps You Healthy
September 9th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Helping Others Keeps You Healthy

We always think of natural health as affecting our physical body. But good health comes from deep inside you. In fact, the health benefits from helping other people and expecting nothing in return may just be the unsung hero of a healthy lifestyle. Those who do selfless service to others are often less stressed and more content with their lot in life. Instead of stressing over what they don’t have, they concentrate on sharing what they do have.

It is easy to help those we love and those who are close to us. The real measure of character is helping those we may not know, without judgment and without conditions. Simply giving, and feeling the appreciation from another human who may be worse off than us for various reasons, may well be the best feeling you ever get.

This reflects back on us internally and spiritually. Therefore, it makes us feel good, gives us a boost, and lowers our stress levels. In our material lives it can be easy to think of only our own circle and think we are the only ones in the world with problems. But there are many, even some a lot worse off than us. Seeing this first hand and lending a hand will give you a boost, make you thankful for what you have and bring a zest for living into your life. A perfect backdrop for improving your natural health.

Self-confidence is the key ingredient to success. Helping others gives you this.

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