Your Questions About Eating Disorders
James asks…
Anorexia and trying new foods?
Hello, I’ve been struggling with anorexia for about two years now.
Still not fully ready to recover, but I know I’m disgustingly underweight and energy-less, lethargic. The idea of gaining weight scares the —- out of me, and I feel terribly out of control if I add a pound. But I’m trying to start eating more and more without the help of a dietitian, so I can stand on my feet at least, and I’ll try to make more progress from there. So please don’t copy/paste the causes and consequences of eating disorders from wiki and tell me to “get over it” like everyone does…
I just wish for a few suggestions, foods and drinks not too high in fat or caloric content, but something that can help me to “get started” maybe, other than raw veggies and fruits, something with a new taste to it, and not expensive.
Thanks for any help!
health answers:
Wow! You should be proud of yourself, not everyone can and wants to recover!
One of my friends was anorexic too, she’s okay now, at the beginning she drank juices, she mixed fruits and created new flavors and that helped her a lot! You could try it!
My next thought is similar – do what body builders do – make yourself a daily protein shake. Use organic whey protein or hemp protein powder, plus some organic soy milk plus a little ice cream for flavoring. Play with this and you will find a quick pretty inexpensive, nutritious way to get some calories.
Robert asks…
Are we living in an age of behavioural sink?
Quote: “Notable conditions in the behavioral sink include hyperaggression, failure to breed and nurture young normally, infant cannibalism, increased mortality at all ages, and abnormal sexual patterns. Often, population peaks, then crashes. Actual physical disease, mental illness, and psychosomatic disorders increase. There are eating disorders ; in human populations, drug and alcohol use rises.”
** Dale: Infant cannibalism is often a metaphor for infanticide.
health answers:
Humans have always lived with craziness around them. Is it really worse today or is it just more common, that is, easier to hear about all the bad stuff? I don’t know.
My personal answer is to love myself, love others and do my best everyday…
And, or course, to get the Republicans kicked out of office and to tax the rich…
Mandy asks…
Eating disorder?
My best friend has a eating disorder and its called ednos and its like being not fully anorexic or bulimic, but in between. I was just wondering if anyone else either has one or knows anyone who does because I want some advice on how I should help her? Her mum and dad know so she is getting help, but Iwant to help like when she is at school and stuff?
These explain what it is and symptoms etc: /EDNOS
health answers:
Being a friend is probably the best advice I can give you. Do the friend things that you do together – listen and laugh together. She needs friends like you around her to help through these hard times for her, just be there for her. Good Luck.
Lisa asks…
how do I start healthy eating habits? Any tips for a picky eater?
I’m a 15 y/o girl and I’ve never really learned about the food pyramid so how do I start healthy eating habits! But also I’m a really really REALLY picky eater (my mom has said she might have to take me to a eating disorder clinic a few times) and recently i was tested for Coeliac and i’m borederline Coeliac, my doctor is gonna do another test in a few months soooooo yeah
(for those that don’t know what Coeliac is —-> /Coeliac_disease )
health answers:
For those dealing with Coeliac, also known as Celiac Disease – you need to stay away from glutin which is substance found in wheat, rye and barley.
Learning what is the best foods for you to eat – can take awhile. But let me ask you this?
Do you want to be smart, do you want to be pretty, do you want to be healthy, do you want a good life, do you want to live a long time? Food is one of the secrets to these and other important questions.
Eat organic, eat salads – greens, tomatoes and carrots, eat vegetables. Eat beef and chicken in moderation. Step into the kitchen and learn to cook for yourself. Start a garden – and eat what your grow. Read food labels and stay away from processed food. Your body wants good food… and if you give yourself a chance, the world will change for you.
Daniel asks…
Compulsive eating disorder?! Help?
I looked up compulsive easting disorder on wikipedia and i got REALLY FREAKED OUT
cause every single symptom listed there, I have!
I mean I knew I had problems with food and weight etc, but I didn’t think it would be something like this, but everything I experience, etc., is on that list. Here is my question: Is this definite list – proving I have/might have a compulsive overeating disorder? OR is this a coincidence? OR does this prove anything cos I heard the exact details of this condition are in debate?
For extra info to this: I have also been told the following are also signs (by mates): cravings, stomach pain, intolerance to heat and cold, headaches…
Again I have all those!
health answers:
Every time you get an urge to eat, reach for fruits or veggies…
Seriously, if you are not feeling well and you have serious symptoms – whatever they maybe – it is time to visit your doctor and get yourself checked out.
Answers provided are not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor. Powered by Yahoo! Answers
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