EcoFriendly parties Party Hard, Stay Healthy
October 5th, 2010 by Aldouspi

Eco-Friendly parties–Party Hard, Stay Healthy

Another big issue that needs to be included in natural health is environmental health. Sure we can’t save the planet alone but if each household concentrates on their immediate area we will create a rollover effect. The environment can seriously affect our personal health and that of our family so it is essential we look at ways to make a smaller footprint on out planet.

This certainly does not have to mean we don’t get to enjoy ourselves, quite the opposite in fact. Here are some Eco-friendly ideas that you can bring to your parties:

Use fluorescent lighting
Use biodegradable paper accessories rather than plastic
Provide clearly labeled recycling bins
Keep food organic based and freshly prepared
Use food waste for composting or worm food
Try and have some unplugged music options. e.g. a jam session.
Make fancy drinks from fresh fruits rather than artificial flavorings.
Check out organic alcohol options if you are serving alcohol
Serve frozen fruits in place of ice blocks
Make anything with plastic packaging a no-no
Buy edible straws
Use potted plants for centerpieces

By applying these principles you’ll not only keep your party Eco-friendly but healthy as well. Be sure any rubbish is removed from the site. Challenge your friends to think Eco-friendly as well and pas the habits onto the children around you. Every little bit helps. The less chemicals we can put into our environment for plastic packaging and burning energy the better our health will be.

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