Your Questions About Arthritis In Hands
June 12th, 2011 by health

Daniel asks…

Tips to take care of arthritis on hands?


I have a worry, I work in a office where my work is data entry, so I use a lot the numeric key and sometime I feel soreness in my right hand. I’m afraid that in the future I will suffer arthritis in my hand. Some tips on how to take care of my hands. Thank you

health answers:

Take more frequent mini-breaks between your entries. Before your workday starts, do some hand and arm stretching exercises. Sometimes a change in keyboard position will help relieve some of the stress on your hands.

If the problem persists, go to your Doctor and ask them about repetitive stress syndrome and see what he or she recommends to prevent it.

Chris asks…

Is 32, too young to start having chronic pains in both hands, like arthritis?

I recently started having pretty bad pains in my hands, almost like arthritis in my hands. It has become pretty painful. I feel like I am too young… I am only 32, but don’t know if this is too young? Also, I have been having frequent bloody noses, but think this may be due to stress? Could these 2 symptoms be related?

health answers:

I do not know if the symptoms are related. For your hands, arthritis is a possibility, especially if you have any family history of same.

There are children that have arthritis which is called juvenile arthritis. It is not good to have at any age. Check with your physician about your hands and your nose bleeds.

Donna asks…

Why do our knees and elbows and hands get arthritis but not our jaws?

I always hear about knee, elbow and wrist arthritis, but I almost never hear of it in the jaw. It is a joint and it is used a lot. Why doesn’t this joint get arthritis?

health answers:

No moveable joint is spared from potential arthritis. There are many types of arthritis that affect the jaw and cause pain. The jaw joint is called the temperomandibular joint.The temporomandibular (TMJ) joint is the joint that allows interaction between the temporal bone of the skull and the lower jawbone (mandible). There are two temporomandibular joints, one on each side of the face, just in front of the ears.

Ligaments, tendons, and muscles support the joints and are responsible for jaw movement.

Within the temporomandibular joint there are moving parts that allow the upper jaw to close on the lower jaw (i.e. biting and chewing, talking and yawning). It is one of the most frequently used of all the joints in the body.

Poor posture can also be an important factor. For example, holding the head forward while looking at a computer all day strains the muscles of the face and neck.

Other factors that might aggravate TMJ (Tempero Mandiblar Joint) symptoms are inability to relax, poor diet, and lack of sleep and inadequate sleep, stress/tension, tobacco chewing , cocaine etc.
For further reading, check this URL: Http://

Sandra asks…

What over the counter pain meds work best on arthritis in the hands?

I have arthritis in both my hands. I live on asprin and it takes most of the pain away but my hands still feel swollen and stiff. Is there any over the counter meds or treatment that works better than asprin. I hate Ibuprophin!

I am an artist by trade so I really need my hands. Please help

health answers:

Some use Tylenol and it works for them. Others say Aleve works well too, this is just a matter of personal preference and experimenting with the different meds. Good luck on finding something that will work for you. Also have you ever tried the wax treatments? Just a thought. See

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