Tips For Natural Healthy Living
March 2nd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Tips For Natural Healthy Living

Eat Well–Food its the food for the body. Not eating a healthy natural diet means our body is not firing on all cylinders. Eating foods as close to their natural state is best. The more processed it is the less nutrient value foods have. Plus much of the natural fiber value is lost which is essential to digestion. Eat a colorful diet of fruit and vegetables, eat plenty of protein, wholegrains and lean meats. Fish is an a very important part of any diet so try and include three serves a week.

Active Lifestyle–Bring activity into your natural routine to remain healthy. If you have time to play a sport or have a regular exercise program that is great. If not, find ways you can be a little more physical. You don’t need to have a punishing regime for the body to get natural health effects. Some light gardening, a long walk, Pilate’s and Yoga are all low impact exercise that could lengthen your life considerably.

De-stress–Stress leads to many health problems. If your work time has a lot of pressure or you work long hours it is vital that you take regular time out to relax your mind and body. It’s not only people who work out of home. The very important job of parenting is very stressful at times. And some people do both. You should never feel guilty over taking ‘me’ time because your work and/or family will suffer if your health breaks down.

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