Diarrhea and Babies
June 30th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Diarrhea can be hard to deal with when you are an adult but what if you are a baby? Your system would have a more difficult time handling the condition. Here are some ways to help your baby recover and return to health.

When a baby has diarrhea it can be a worrisome situation for parents. You are already concerned about your child just because they are young but when they begin to feel poorly, it can place you on high alert.

Diarrhea creates an excess of water in the stool, resulting in loose bowel movements. In anyone experiencing the condition, this can lead to a sore bottom and dehydration. The desired outcome is that the stools will return to normal.

Children, especially babies, are still developing. Diarrhea is harder on their system at such a young age. A long bout of diarrhea can lead to dangerous dehydration in just a few days.

Causes of Diarrhea in Babies

What can lead to loose stools? There are many reasons. In children it can be a bacteria or virus, such as the rotavirus, that is attacking their body. Once baby is introduced to foods, sensitivity to something that they are eating can lead to a bout of diarrhea.

Whatever the cause, diarrhea is one reason to contact your pediatrician right away. They can help you to assess the reason why the diarrhea is occurring. In the meantime, the important thing is to keep their system hydrated to avoid other health issues.

Foods to Eat

Your baby may not feel like eating when they don't feel well in their tummy. Constant diarrhea can lead to diaper rash which will make them cry during every diaper change. Even with medical treatment, nourishment is still important.

Your doctor may suggest a few foods that baby can eat to help them get their digestive system back on track. Their digestive systems work slower and are still developing so it takes time to reverse the condition.


This is the acronym that is used to treat infant diarrhea. Let's begin with the "B." It stands for bananas. They contain fiber which will help add firmness to the stool and remove some of that water. You can mash them up into mush for easier consumption.

The "R" stands for rice. Babies are usually fed rice cereal as a first introduction into foods. Grains are good sources of fiber that can help harden a bowel movement.

"A" stand for applesauce. It is made from the entire apple so there is pectin and fiber in the skin to assist with reversing runny stools.

The last letter stands for toast made from high fiber breads. Again grains and high carbohydrates all come together to bulk up the bowel movement.

With each food, feed baby a little at a time. Keep in contact with your pediatrician as to how the stools are firming up and to be sure baby is staying hydrated.

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