Bio Mats For Sale
July 2nd, 2011 by Aldouspi

Bio Mats For Sale

The BioMat and Negative Ions

Author: Kari Roland

As humans, we are an ever moving, ever changing organism. Food and water constantly energizes us and needs replenishment. Our cells are forever replacing themselves with new ones. Our brains are a buzz of constant activity. Because of this, we find ourselves happier and more at ease around ions that are also moving and changing.

At any given time, our bodies are charged with with positive and negative ones. Positive ions are ions that cling. They cling to electrical wires, the ground, your computer monitors, pollutants in the air, etc. They cling, and they’re static; they stay put. Negative ions move. They are usually found in the wind, moving upward toward the atmosphere, or in running water. In electrical wires, negative ions are what moves, jumping from one positive ion to the next. They are what our body craves.

The places where negative ions are the highest are typically favorites among people: beaches, mountains, waterfalls, thunderstorms. People might say the air has an electricity to it. Even a hot shower can produce a flurry of negative ions, which helps us to relax and let our worries melt away. Positive ions are usually found in gloomier places, such as offices, closed up homes, and inner cities. The air is often stuffy and stagnant, and we feel ill at ease.

This is what makes negative ion generators so useful, and this is just one of the things that the BioMat creates. When you lay on a BioMat, you’re filled with negative ions, just as if you had sat down by a raging waterfall (only far quieter). These ions get things in your body moving again, instead of dragged down by the clingy positive ions. And when your body is moving, it’s happy. Blood can get oxygen to where it’s most needed more effectively, your cells can regenerate themselves quicker, and even your brain can function faster and more clearly, causing stress and depression to float away.

Negative ion technology is new, but the effect of negative ions has been felt for millenniums. It’s a powerful and natural way to make your body work more efficiently so that you can feel relaxed and healthy every day of the week, no matter where your hectic schedule may take you.

Article Source: —- About the Author:   Ionizer air purifiers are a wonderful way to introduce more negative ions into your home. The Bio Mat serves both as a purifier and FIR heating pad. Check out BioMat World to find out more about the Richway International BioMat.

Bio Mat For Sale

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