Your Questions About Arthritis Diet
July 4th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Helen asks…

Arthritis Diet?

Can anyone recommend a sensible diet to follow for someone with Arthritis.

admin answers:

My dad has r.a. and he just eats normally – a general balanced diet. He has take out every now and then and a bottle of red wine on occasion.

A general rule of thumb is to eat as close to nature as you can, less processed foods, more greens and go organic…

Jenny asks…

Does a vegan diet help with arthritis?

This news article today says it does

I’d be interested, if anyone has seen this connection before, or got any personal experience of a vegan diet helping with arthritis.

Note this is not propaganda, the researches actually criticize a vegan diet at the end of the article.

admin answers:

In my Veggie/Vegan Health Studies I have consistently read that it does. 1st. Biggie is our bodies need to be PH balanced. More Alkaline than Acid. All Animal Products, refined foods, man-made foods are Acid based. All Fresh Veggies, Fruits etc. are Alkaline based. This balance is what keeps us healthy – when the body is too acid, it creates all the health issues we have in modern day society.
I don’t agree with the statement a Vegan diet is too hard to get proper nutrients, but the rest of it was excellent. Any vegetarian diet does take some systematic thinking and selections to make sure you get complete proteins, full range of minerals and vitamins, etc.

There are many more people who are sensitive to gluten than they know. So limiting gluten rich foods such as wheat makes sense. Gluten allergies involve the immune system and Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease…

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Arthritis Diet

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