Your Questions About Mental Health America
July 15th, 2011 by health
Thomas asks…
What does the average joe or jane see the future of mental health in America?
Is the mental health system to blame for the recent trend towards violence as an option? Is this a side effect of war? Are we becoming what we fear?
health answers:
To gain insight you might read Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” – Soma is the answer. It gives some insight into a mental health controlled society… I also think a quick read on the fall of the Roman Republic is in order – It lasted about 200 years and then corruption from the top turned the Republic into a dictatorship… Sound familiar, you greedy corporations, super rich and Republicans???
The mental health of a society is often a reflection of the mental health of its leaders – we have mentally ill (I am being kind) members of congress right now. So there is a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering going on for everyone in the US…
George asks…
How does the mental health system in America work?
For example, what happens if someone needs to be involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital & has no money or has a severe & enduring mental health problem that needs long term treatment & – cannot work, etc..
health answers:
Health insurance – private or paid by the State covers the cost. If admitted to a psychiatric facility, you will get automatic medicaid. It covers all the costs. But please don’t fall into the system.
It is hell and will only make you worst. Trust me. If they can’t find something wrong with you. They will make something up. Cause it is the only way for them to make their money. Hospitals are like any other business – some are good and some are not.
Daniel asks…
What happens in America when people need mental health help?
Okay, well as I’m always on here looking at mental health questions I see that some people who are from America ask how much it would be to see a psychiatrist and all that…
I’m from the UK and we don’t have to pay to see one, the government covers the cost out of collective taxes and fees on the society at large. So for the individual, it is free and thus very accessible… You will never loose your home getting sick in the UK…
It doesn’t seem fair in the USA, as people can’t help it if they develop mental health issues, and what if somebody is really bad off and they can’t afford it?
health answers:
The mental health system here is a joke, here, unless you have at least $100/week to spend on a half decent therapist.
Insurance companies do not take mental health seriously and some insurance won’t even cover it.
When it is covered, it’s covered by very poor doctors and the amount of therapy allotted to a patient per year is very limited, unless you are rich and can afford the right kind of insurance…
Generally for the poor – medicare or medicaid covers some of the cost…
One payer health system, anyone?
Mandy asks…
how do you feel about de-institutionalization of mental health patients in America?
I had this argument with someone at work last week and I was told I was close minded. I just wanted to see what other people thought!
health answers:
A mental hospital can be a safe place to get you stable. This is especially true for those where are generally functional persons. Most people that go there, only stay for a short time.
I think that we need to understand that not every person that has been in a mental hospital is a lost cause. Most of the time, it’s just to monitor meds and get that person back on the right track. So that they are not a danger to themselves. This can’t be done in a regular hospital setting. Maybe if there was more money set aside for these hospitals, the stigma wouldn’t be as such.
Releasing mental ill patients who just become homeless is just turning the problem over to someone else who is less likely to affect a positive outcome…
Sharon asks…
What are Community Mental Health Teams called in America?
I assumed they were called the same as we call them in Britain, but I have googled Community Mental Health teams in a particle district of American, but nothing came up. I’m therefore wondering if perhaps they go under another name. If so, could some kind person please tell me what the correct term for them is and are they state funded, self funded or both. Also, how would someone get involved with them, ie referral through being admitted to hospital – thank you very much!
health answers:
The one that comes to mind is PACT or ACT –
Program for Assertive Community Treatment
Assertive Community Treatment.
Some localities that are rural do not have PACT or ACT, but have a variation called ICT (Intensive Community Treatment).
These teams in America are normally mobile and provide intensive services to those with serious mental illness. You’d need to be screened for appropriateness to a program like that and have a well-documented history of serious mental illness.
If you were hospitalized here, the hospital treatment team most likely would make a referral to the agency that runs the PACT. Usually the agencies the hospital refers to, are public mental health clinics. It would be up to the clinic to refer you to the most appropriate service within the agency, and not all have PACT.
Hope that helps!
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