Diabetes Friendly Recipes for Kids
August 28th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Diabetes Friendly Recipes for Kids

diabetes kid

Diabetes can affect young and old alike. It is important to check your blood sugar and keep it regulated. For kids, here are some friendly recipes that won't spike the blood sugar.

What Is Diabetes?

There are two types – Type 1 and Type 2. Children may have either type. Type 1 diabetes occurs in childhood most often. For this type, the body doesn't make any insulin at all.

Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It is used to transport glucose from the blood to the cells where it is used as fuel.

Consider insulin to be a bodily taxi driver. In response to high levels of glucose in the blood, it is manufactured and shipped off so that glucose can hitch a ride.

Type 2 diabetes is often called insulin-resistant diabetes. It usually occurs in adults, but children can develop it, too, if conditions are right. Either your body stops responding to the insulin that is present or you aren't producing enough to handle the load of glucose in your blood.

Type 2 diabetes is often a complication of obesity. The amount of glucose in the system overwhelms the body and it will stop responding to glucose, or insulin levels will be deficient.

In both cases, the concern here is for the levels of sugar in the blood. Too much glucose can damage the organs and lead to even more serious health problems. In order to keep blood sugar at manageable levels, it has to be checked several times a day.

For those with Type 1 diabetes, the amount of insulin needed to lower that glucose level depends on the glucose number. In Type 2 diabetes, insulin may be needed to move glucose, but often the levels are managed with medication and diet.

Recipes for Kids

What we want to watch here is carbs. They are broken down into sugars. These sugars enter the bloodstream to await pick-up by insulin. Foods that keep glucose levels steady are more desirable.

Tips to make recipes diabetes friendly:

  • Start with their favorite recipes. Use different substitutions to lower the carb count to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Use rice instead of pasta. Shrimp or chicken goes just as well atop rice as atop pasta. Try brown rice. It is healthier for the body.
  • Try low carb pastas. There are several on the market today in many pasta varieties besides spaghetti.
  • Make your own sauces. Store-bought sauces contain a lot of hidden sugars. Get the kids involved and show them how to make spaghetti sauce, pesto sauce, Alfredo sauce and others from scratch using wholesome ingredients and less carbs.
  • Add spice. Instead of adding sugar, try using different spices to jazz up foods. For instance, lower the sugar amount in muffin recipes and add applesauce and other flavors like cinnamon, nutmeg and citrus zest.
  • Check labels. It is often healthier to start meals from scratch then trying to use prepared meals. Kids learn to cook with fresh foods and appreciate their flavors without adding sugar or extra carbs.

Is your child diabetic? They can still enjoy their favorite foods with a few substitutions.

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