Your Questions About Headaches Everyday
September 16th, 2011 by health

Your Questions About Headaches Everyday

Nancy asks…

Headaches everyday?

I get a headache like everyday. Most of the time they’re really bad with nausea and sometimes not so bad, but there’s pretty much not a day I go without a headache. I’ve been told it might be because my eye sight worsened, but I’ve already got that checked out and I still suffer from horrible headaches.. I think I go through a bottle of advil in about a month and a half.. What could be the cause?

health answers:

Talk to your doctor about getting a CAT SCAN to be sure nothing is wrong. If your older and drink or smoke like most people, you might have a developing subarachnoid anurism. Which is deadly. My mom had the same exact symptoms and recently had to have emergency brain surgery. My brother and I spoke with the surgeon and he told us that any one who has more than one headache every 2 weeks should get checked to be safe. She is fine now, but had a very close call with death. BE SAFE AND GET CHECKED. IT IS NOT NORMAL TO HURT.

PS. Do not wait about this, and don’t worry about the cost because in real life no one can afford this. Mom had no insurance and works at a school cafeteria (no money) the entire procedure was free. I flew to see her, but never met the guy who bought my plane ticket till I arrived in Dallas, this is proof to me that God will make things happen for you if you put forth the effort. Also she was up eating 5 hours later and released from the hospital in 2 weeks, she could have left sooner than that, but there are safety precautions.

Thomas asks…

HEADACHES everyday?

Since last Thursday, I have had headaches everyday and ibuprofen isn’t working…. it’s not even that bad, but a little pain involved…. (not a migraine…) I am on my period right now, but i have never had headaches before or during my time…. what could this be and how to stop it?

health answers:

Well there could be tons of reasons why your head is hurting.

It coudl be something like needing glasses. Has your vision been bad lately? Even if it hasn’t you should get it checked out.

Another reason is not enough sleep. Tons of people get headaches when they are over-stressed. Try getting some rest.

Getting your period is, of course, a time of hormonal changes, perhaps your a little out of balance, homonally than you normally are…

Go visit a doctor if the pain continues.

In the meantime, you might try placing a warm wet/damp cloth or towel on your head and just relax on your bed.

Susan asks…

headaches everyday?

why do I have headaches everyday. I’m 14 and have been having them since I was 12/13 – mostly since I was 13, I don’t wear glasses and I only find it hard to read things in small writing and far away in messy small writing.

health answers:

Since you mention your eyesight, you may need glasses and should get your vision checked. You can also get advice from your optician aout vision related headaches.

George asks…

Headaches Everyday..?

I get headaches everyday, I’ve had them for about 3 months now. If I was to match how painful they were on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the strongest), I would say 5.

I’ve located the headaches to above my eyebrow and when I go to pick something up from the floor it hits off. I’ve been to the doctor twice and he has referred me to a pediatrician, but my appointment is not for a couple of weeks.

Now I’m really worried that I have something serious like a brain tumor, I’ve been on the symptoms websites and lots of the symptoms I am familiar with except for more serious symptoms like seizures.

health answers:

I am afraid that it is not possible to reassure you absolutely. It could be a form of migraine or even sinus congestion, but you really do need some investigation before a diagnosis is possible.

If you feel the pain warrants it, don’t wait for your appointment, callyour health provider and see if you should go to the emergency room.

Sandy asks…

Why do I keep getting headaches almost everyday?

I keeep getting headaches everyday. Sometimes they’re migraines and sometimes they’re not as bad. But they eventually go away later in the day, but I don’t understand why I keep getting them. Sometimes I have weird sleeping habits I never wake up and fall asleep at the same time everyday. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but I’m still unsure. So if you have any ideas or suggestions, please tell me. Thanks.

health answers:

The first thing you need to do is understand what types of headaches you are having (i.e., cluster, migraine, sinus etc.) Then you will be better able to determine your best course of treatment and prevention. Fo9r ongoing headaches, check with your doctor.

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Answers provided are not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

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