Astaxanthin Supplements For Sale
November 4th, 2011 by Aldouspi

Astaxanthin Supplements For Sale

A Look at Astaxanthin: The Ultimate Antioxidant! Top 8 Benefits of This Nutrient

Author: Nadav Snir

Astaxanthin is a fat-soluble nutrient with antioxidant properties. It’s a carotenoid that belongs to a class of phytochemicals called “Terpenes”. Unlike other carotenoids, it doesn’t converted to Vitamin A. This means that it’s safer to take than other carotenoid supplements. Too much Vitamin A can be very harmful to the human body.

According to Japanese researchers, this nutrient can aid in weight loss. Mice given Astaxanthin in several doses had significantly lower body weight than mice that weren’t given the nutrient. Both sets of mice were fed the same type of diet. The first set of mice lost body fat because an increased amount of stored fat was released in the body and used as an energy source.

Many humans who have taken this nutrient in supplement form have been seeing an increase in fat loss as well. There are a number of different sources, some of which are natural and some which are available in drug stores. If you want to take it as a supplement, make sure that it’s properly extracted. It should contain no organic solvents.

Food sources include krill, salmon, shrimp, egg yolks, and chicken. However, a synthetic form of Astaxanthin is injected into a lot of the food before it’s sold on the market. If you want it naturally, then you should eat a diet of wild trout and salmon, and organic chicken eggs. You can also take a krill oil supplement.

It aids in weight loss by protecting the muscles during exercise. This means you’ll be able to work out harder and longer since your muscles won’t have as much strain put on them.

In addition to weight loss, here are some more nutritional benefits of Astaxanthin:

    1. It protects cell membranes and the mitochondrian membranes within the cells.

    2. It provides more antioxidant capacity than other antioxidants and carotenoids, including Vitamin E.

    3. It supports the function of the immune system and suppresses inflammation caused by reactive oxygen species.

    4. It supports liver health and encourages the release of Vitamin A from the liver.

    5. Helps to prevent ocular and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and glaucoma.

    6. Helps to prevent hypertension and reduces risk of stroke.

    7. It promotes gastric health and reduces inflammation of bacterium that can damage stomach tissues.

    8. Regular administration of this carotenoid can reduce the oxidative stress on the kidneys, thus preventing renal cell damage and colon cancer.

Astaxanthin has been referred to as “The Ultimate Antioxidant”. As mentioned above, its antioxidant capacity is 100 times more than that of Vitamin E. It’s also 10 times more powerful than that of Beta-carotene. The recommended starting dosage is 1 mg twice a day.

The best Astaxanthin supplement can be found at The BodyBuilding store offers the highest quality products at an affordable price. You can find Astaxanthin in its natural form, along with other essential nutrients and vitamins!

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About the Author:   >Nadav Snir operates a website which includes coupons and discounts for vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements. To get those discounts, visit his site:

Astaxanthin For Sale

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