Your Questions About Personality Disorders Treatment
November 11th, 2011 by health

Helen asks…

How effective can clinical psychologists and other professionals be in the treatment of Personality Disorders?

health answers:

In truth, it is not how effective they are, but how effective we are in helping ourselves to get well. They are there to listen, offer suggestions and help us to help ourselves. Ultimately, we all have our own answers within and sometimes know what we should be doing, but we just need to hear ourselves talk it through to realize this.

If medication is needed, then so be it, but talking our issues through is the best form of medicine there is. What we put into our own recovery, is what we will get out of it. Having another opinion or suggestion, whether professional or not can also be a huge part of our enlightenment to the problems we air. These problems become easier to deal with when talked through rather than simmering and expanding, while they remain in our thoughts.

Most personality disorders are a conglomerate of many other peoples opinions, suggestions and authoritative words that we can no longer decipher from our own thoughts. We can get very confused in who we are and what we think, when we listen to everyone else instead of ourselves. The other voices become louder than our own thoughts and we get lost.

I believe professionals are a huge help to our recoveries for the very reason that it is a personal, private and confidential method of healing ourselves.

John asks…

Should people with cluster B personality disorders be required by law to undergo lifelong treatment?

People with cluster B personality disorders often go undiagnosed, but they are a threat to society because of the social damage they often cause. Don’t you think every person should be required by law to undergo a thorough examination for these at a young age and then as an adult to check them to see if they need treatment?

health answers:

The short answer is “NO!” We have not reached a stage in our medical systems, both for the body or the mind, where we can separate real health care and the profit motive (greed). It is too easy for an examiner to say that a young person has a disorder and needs to be constantly treated or drugged – too much easy money to be made…

Be aware of the scams, as well as out and out fraud being perpetrated on Americans today by QUACKS some call psychiatrists and M.D.s that are doling out drugs for these so called “Disorders” like frustrated housewives passing out candy on Halloween.

Watch this video and learn:

That thorough examination you are talking about is a series of questions and answers that is so arbitrary it is useless. Web MD got their hands slapped by congress recently for allowing Eli Lily to put a bogus depression test on their web site. When you took the test, every question referred you to a psychiatrist because it said you were depressed, no matter how you answered the question!

Drug companies are fighting hard to increase business and ignoring the health of people. Possible answers is to make all health care businesses non-profit and to pass a Constitutional Bill of Medical Rights….

Donald asks…

personality disorders?

What’s the best treatment for personality disorders

health answers:

Therapy and medication. The truth is that there are no medications that “cure” personality disorders, but some help with some of the symptoms. Also, getting older helps. Older is wiser and we learn to deal with ourselves better.

Learning to know yourself, with a sense of responsibility for your actions is one strategy. There are many tools for internal change, whether you go on a spiritual path or visit psychologists or both. Every human on the planet has, at least, one day, now and then, of “PD” and must learn to cope with themselves. You just have more days, that this condition pops up, and have to spend more time on this part of life than the norm… Again, seeking and finding help is a part of this.

Mary asks…

What is the prognosis for treatment for the different “personality disorders”?

Do you think that if the prognosis is poor for treatment that psychologists should ever focus on these in treatment?

health answers:

Prognosis for treatment of personality disorders is poor – at the moment. Partially because there is a very low rate of people with PD’s even seeking out treatment for PD. They generally end up with a therapist because of secondary issues, like depression due to job loss. Most don’t have insight into their condition and can’t/won’t take responsibility. That is even one of the diagnostic criteria.

No therapist should turn away a person in pain, but with PD’s, once the problem is fixed in the short term they discontinue treatment, when a long term solution maybe required. As with many medical conditions that were thought to be untreatable in the past, PD treatment effectiveness will improve.

Answers provided are not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor. Powered by Yahoo! Answers

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