Shyness and Pheromones
February 6th, 2010 by Aldouspi


If you are a man who is very shy, then you know it can be difficult to meet women.

You can be very attractive and have a wonderful personality, and be the man of some woman’s dreams, but if you are shy by nature, then may never be able to meet the woman of your dreams.

Here is a way that can help you get over the lack of self confidence and leave your shyness at home when you are heading out the door…

Shyness is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can hinder your chances to meet someone. You have to make your shyness work for you instead of against you. Guess what? Many women do not like arrogant or brash behavior, so having a bit of shyness is fine. But when your are so timid, that you can not meet women to form a relationship, then it is time for some help! And pheromones can help you. Along with other things.

Shyness is something you are born with, and although you may always have times when you are shy… You can change yourself in ways that your shyness disappears or doesn’t matter. You have to choose your strengths and use those to overcome you shyness. For example, tell yourself, before leaving the home, you are what she is looking for, and that women want you. Focus on your good points and stop worrying that you do not say or do things “the right way.”

Along with the use of pheromones, you might consider taking a little shot of confidence, in the form of human growth hormone (HGH) – that can keep you looking toned and in shape, so you feel better about yourself. There are many HGH products that are natural and works well to keep fit and also help with sexual performance.

When you are at a bar or wherever, and want to approach a woman, but can’t think of anything to say, then just start asking questions about herself. Remember Joey from the TV show “Friends” and his catch phrase “How you doin’?” Women enjoy talking about themselves. Listen and can learn a lot from her (about her), while she is being made to feel important.

You do not need to try and impress her with witty things you do not normally say, just be yourself, even if you are a little on the quiet side. It doesn’t hurt to practice out loud some pretend conversation, so you will know what sounds good when you say it. But do not put any pressure on yourself while you are trying to meet a woman. And remember, if things do not work out one night, you can always go back and try again. Practice is one of the rules of the universe.

How the use of pheromones can help you. You are shy and find it hard to approach women. Guess what – with the appropriate use of pheromones – women will often approach you. They will come up and ask a question or say or do something else. You may not be ready for this change in your attractiveness. But after this happens a couple of times – you will be prepared to respond and your confidence level will rise.

A product like Nexus Pheromones will increase your confidence as it adds an instant appeal to you for some women. Pheromones are natural human chemicals or scents that act at the subconscious level on women. They will find you interesting without exactly knowing. Of course, once you have their attention you do need to keep it. But for someone who is shy, overcoming that first hurdle can be a tremendous first step! You may need try a few products to find the one or ones that really work best for you. Eventually, though, you can go beyond your shyness and have the woman of your dreams.

MORE RESOURCES: There are, of course, many secrets that you can learn to attract and even seduce women at will, any time you want. One such resource can be found at: Attract Women Now. A good HGH product can be found at MagnaRX HGH just might be the closest thing to the fountain of youth that we’ve seen in our lifetime. To read more about this all-natural supplement, visit the above link. To further explore the area of penis enlargement, increasing sperm count and semen volume and male orgasm enhancement, you may visit this site: Semenax

A video About Nexus Pheromones….

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