Women and Heart Disease
January 20th, 2013 by Aldouspi

Women and Heart Disease

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Heart disease is the biggest problem that society faces in terms of health. It is the number one cause of death within the United States, but this hasn't always been the case. In this article, we'll discuss heart disease and the implications that it can have in life, and specifically how heart disease affects women. It has numerous different effects in women, so it's important to learn all that you can…

  • Heart disease is the number one cause of death for women in the United States. Thirty two percent of all women die from heart disease, resulting in the deaths of approximately three hundred and sixty thousand women per year in the United States alone.
  • Many women think that breast cancer is the number one threat that they have to worry about to their health. While approximately one out of twenty five women die of breast cancer, an astounding one out of three women are expected to die from heart disease.
  • As a woman, one of the most potent methods of preventing heart disease that you can do is to choose not to smoke tobacco. Smoking attacks the heart in many ways, most notably the fact that it makes the heart require more oxygen in order to function properly. While it is important to not smoke tobacco for both men and women in order to prevent heart disease, the problem affects women more than men. Estrogen levels in women are dropped when they smoke tobacco, and estrogen can be helpful in preventing the occurrence of heart disease.
  • One factor about heart disease that affects women differently than men is the fact that women are much more likely than men to experience a heart attack without having any symptoms. Also, women are more likely than men to die as a result of a heart attack.
  • While women may not be able to feel a heart attack, they are also less likely to experience heart disease at a young age than men. This is due to the fact that female hormones work to prevent heart disease.
  • Aspirin has been used as a medication to help those with heart disease for years and years. Due to the drug's anti-clotting properties, one may be less likely to experience a heart attack by taking aspirin on a daily basis. Women, however, are less able to be treated by aspirin.
  • Most women are not as aware of the threat of heart disease as they should be. A national survey showed that approximately thirty percent could accurately assess the threat of heart disease when it came to their personal health and livelihood.

As a woman, there are specific threats from heart disease that need to be considered. Only by learning more about the disease and the affects that it has on the female body can you be prepared for the disease should it occur within yourself or someone that you love. Learn all that you can about the disease, and keep yourself healthy.

Stay informed and keep yourself healthy.

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    Can eating berries be good for you when it comes to heart health in women? Studies show the answer is yes. For more on this subject visit here…
    Berries Linked to Lower Heart Disease Among Women via Time


    While I was doing some research on healthy snacking options, I found an interesting article on our sister site Time.com. According to the article, "women who ate three or more servings of blueberries and strawberries per week

    Women are different from men when it comes to heart disease. For a quick overview on this check out the article here:

    Women at a Greater Risk for Heart Disease than Men | Fullerton, CA


    Most people think that heart disease is a problem only for men. However, more woman than men dies from heart disease every year. Woman need to understand their risks and symptoms to reduce their chances of heart

    To lower your risk of heart disease, you should know about some of the risk factors that can lead to heart problems for women. Check out the article here about the more common risk factors:
    Women's Lifestyle Magazine – Reducing Your Risk of Heart Disease


    Recognizing the risk factors for heart disease is just the beginning. Once those risk factors are known, it's up to women to take steps to live a more healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many ways women can do just that.

Women and Heart Disease Related Items For Sale

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Go Red For Women ™ presents: ‘Just a Little Heart Attack’

Starring and directed by Emmy-nominated actress Elizabeth Banks. “A little film about a super mom who takes care of everyone except herself” — Elizabeth Banks

Women Heart Disease

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