Kombucha Mushroom Tea – Drink For What Ails You
February 4th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Kombucha Mushroom Tea – Drink For What Ails You

Author: health2727

Kombucha Mushroom Tea

by ~Twon~ under CC BY  with wpseopix.com
Kombucha Mushroom Tea


Kombucha has been around for over 2000 years. It dates back to pre BC periods. Kombucha Tea itself is made from a yeast or mushroom culture process.

The Kombucha Culture is the basis for making the beverage. Without it, you have no Kombucha!

When you think about it, the Kombucha Culture has made it all around the world! Just like the yeasts for making bread or beer… You have to get you hands on the culture to be able to make the tea.

This little pancake like culture multiplies itself easily, and has been shared and passed around for over 2000 years. It reminds me of a sourdough culture. And just like with with Sourdough, no culture, no bread.

Basically Kombucha is a yeast, sometimes also called a mushroom or ‘Scoby.’ A fermentation process takes place that creates the tea. Some call this an herbal tea or plant infusion tea.

In the ancient times before the postal service, airplanes, or even cars, this health tea creating culture survived and thrived. The reason…. quite simple. Kombucha is a Miracle.

A miracle? That is a very strong claim, but those who have tried the drink and been faithful to it, they have cured themselves of an overwhelming number of medical conditions.

Some of the claims include some very serious illnesses. Cancer being one of them.

I am not saying that Kombucha is a cure for cancer, but some people strongly believe drinking the Kombucha Mushroom Tea did this for them.

How? Well, the culture is made up of enzymes and bacterias that have the ability to cleanse your body and rid it of harmful toxins. Considering the number of toxins we expose our bodies to, this really is a mandatory process for good health. Without ridding ourselves of toxins, they simply build up and weaken our ability to fight disease and trigger other illness.

Kombucha Mushroom Tea is known as the Elixer of Youth to the Chinese and has been reported to turn grey hair back to its natural color! Wow… what else can you say. It can remove 10-20 years off your appearance by filling in wrinkles and rejuvenating tired skin.

Some claim it has cured them of liver disease, skin conditions, high cholesterol and more. The energy that you get while drinking Kombucha is another reason to consume the beverage as well.

So…. get some today. It is now available – ready to drink – from grocers and specialty markets, or get your hands on a Kombucha culture and brew your own.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/kombucha-green-tea-mend-exactly-what-ails-you-5472534.html —- About the Author:   See more kombucha benefits at our latest site http://www.kombuchabenefits

Kombucha Mushroom Tea For Sale

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