Causes and Effects of Brain Injury or Head Injury
February 16th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Causes and Effects of Brain Injury or Head Injury

By: Adriana Notton

Brain Injury

by Andrew Ciscel under CC BY-SA  with
Head Injury


Fortunately for us, humans have a hard casing around one of the most important parts of the human body, the brain. The skull is there to protect us from brain injury and trauma that can cause a person to lose so many wonderful functions that make life, normal, on an everyday basis.

When a person suffers a trauma to the brain, they can experience a myriad of different symptoms and problems associated with the head injury. Damage to any area can cause loss of vision, loss of motor function, psychological issues, internal bleeding and many more problems.

Head injury that leads to unconsciousness is the first sign that medical help is needed. Non-fatal injuries are very often seen in emergency rooms worldwide, but the fact that it is non-fatal does not mean the brain injury might not cause lifelong symptoms and side effects. Head injuries can cause dizziness, slurring of speech, memory loss and other effects.

Statistically, motor vehicle accidents take the lead in causing head injuries. Sports and outdoor physical activities come in second, while physical assaults are third on the list. Those at the highest risk for suffering some kind of wound of this nature are young adult males who live alone and have a low income.

Many people with brain damage suffer from depression and loneliness from reduced social contact. They may feel isolated and lost by the change that has happened. The psychological impact of an injury, such as this, can sometimes be worse than the actual damage itself.

When a young man is first establishing himself in the world, gaining and maintaining friendships, business relationships and discovering what kind of person they are going to be, suffering a life altering wound can make this transition to adulthood feel nearly impossible to undertake.

To prevent depression and suicide attempts, people who have suffered a brain injury should always receive psychological help quickly, as they recover from the physical damage. Often, the physical problems are resolved long before the person can feel normal again.

Anxiety and depression can quickly escalate into major issues that feel insurmountable. This does not need to be the case, even if the trauma was quite severe. If physical recovery is possible, psychological recovery should follow right along with it. With the proper counseling and treatment, a person can pull out of depression and join life again.

Someone with a life changing head injury will be looking for help, even if they do not realize they need it. They will send out signals that medical professionals should be watching for, signs that they are in need of some psychological care.

Traumatic brain injury is one of the leading causes of morbidity in children. There are children taken to the emergency rooms, every day, for severe head injuries and many of them do not live. There are additional injuries caused after the initial impact that involve other organs in the body and sometimes, methods that doctors use for immediate care exacerbate the brain problem.

As technology continues to advance, research continues to be done on how to treat and prevent these problems in people of any age.

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