Your Questions About Discoid Lupus In Dogs
March 30th, 2012 by health

Carol asks…

I am fostering a dog with Discoid Lupus- any treatment solutions?

I am fostering a 2-4year old (real age unkown) neutered male lab mix with Discoid Lupus. His condition has gotten so out of control the majority of it has been eaten away and he is left with a “pig nose”. He is currently on steroids, but my foster sponsor would like to try a homeopathic approach (a kit from in particular) anybody have success in treating this disease without the massive amounts of steroids?
He is kept inside, and out of the sun as much as humanly possible. Currently he is on some really good dog food (Wellness Lamb) and I may start preparing meals with the homeopathy. I already know about the basics of DL. I am mainly looking for any success with homeopathic medication, so we don’t have to subject the poor thing to the adverse affects of steroids.

health answers:

Steroids would be the best treatment. Eventually he will have to be euthanized simply out of mercy because longterm steroid use has issues too. Some things you just can’t fix.

One good idea would be to use a lot of homecooked meals with rice as the only grain.
One thing I want to suggest is to avoid grains, (cow) dairy products, eggs, and anything that could tax his immune system that is so much already out of wack. Rice and lamb are the safest foods when it comes to allergies along with goat’s milk. Think of other hypoallergenic foods like goat’s milk, some veggies, few fruits (not many) etc. I would also avoid anything that could enhance an immune response like antibiotics (if possible), molds, some plants, bees…… You just want to try to protect the immune system from being so active, so keep him away from anything that will cause it to react. You already know sunlight can cause a problem.

When all is said and done, some things cannot be fixed. Steroids are the only reliable way to suppress the immune system even though they come with their own set of problems. This dog probably doesn’t have a good life ahead of him no matter what they do for him. Sorry.

Mandy asks…

Dog’s Systemic and Discoid Lupus?

I just got this 2 years old American Pitbull. He first diagnosed with food allergy. But didn’t cured for a very long time. Lately, he been diagnosed with Lupus, his SLE test which taken from blood test is positive. But since vet in my country is still didn’t know what to do, so i search in internet. And found that my dog doesn’t have any symtomps similar with SLE, but mostly DLE. Because it only affect his skin. And he still like to run and nothing wrong with his joint. Is it possible that the blood test is wrong? Any conclusion? and what i have to do? MR Vet gave him 7,5 mg of Prednison everyday. And it reduced the red rash.

health answers:

He probably has demodectic mange. It is rampant within the breed.

Steven asks…

How do I know if my dog has DLE or SLE?

Hi, my dog’s nose is crusty and recently turning pink.
How would I know if my dog has Discoid Lupus or Systemic Lupus?
I have a vet appointment in 2 days time but I’m anxious to find out more so I can ask the vet questions.
Please help.

Thank you.
I brought her to the vet once, it was suspected discoid lupus. However, she just gave me something to apply on her nose. No further test or whatsoever. So I’m going to another vet. I’m afraid it might affect her kidneys, because recently she’s been pee-ing very frequently however water intake is still normal.

health answers:

Well, first of all, DLE affects mostly the facial area, including the nose. SLE usually affects the whole body. The Vet is the one who is suppose to teach about this to begin with. Since you haven’t had your dog to the Vet yet, how do you even know that it’s Lupus at all? It might be something totally different, and many times Autoimmune Disorders are not easy to diagnos at the begining.

Chris asks…

When is it time to put my dog down?

I’ve read some of the other similar questions…but I suppose my situation is unique. I rescued my german shepherd at about 4 months old. She is currently a little over 7 years old. She is the absolute best dog (in my opinion).

That being said, she has discoid lupus which essentially eats away at her skin. Two months ago it got so bad it cut into an artery on her nose and I had to take her into the vet in the middle of the night.

She was on prednisone for about 1 year at a super low dose…but obviously it didn’t help too much. Now she is on 24 mg of Medrol / day. It helps some…but her nose and skin are not healing…more or less they’re just sustaining.

My question…she can’t stay on Medrol forever because a) her liver & kindeys will shut down and b) it causes her to “leak” everywhere and she has explosive diarhea in the house.

I’m really struggling with what to do because if I take her off the Medrol, it will cause the Lupus to attaack to be more severe. Help!
Also. just for the record…I love my dog tremendously. She is a major part of my life and I’m really looking to do what is best for her (not me).

…and I don’t know if it matter…but with regards to the “leaking” and “diarrhea”, I have a 7 week old new born…so I do need to keep it relatively sanitary….just FYI.
I wanted to post some pictures of a) my dog and b) the Lupus…it is under the album called “Gracie” at this site:

PS Aside from these physical “defects” Gracie performs like a normal dog…she loves to run, fetch, go on walks, etc…perhaps why this decision is so plaguing my heart and mind.

health answers:

Our family has always dreaded this sort of situation. But what we look at is quality of life. Is the dog happy? Are they going to stay happy? Are they in constant pain? Is it going to get worse? These are all questions that you have to ask yourself. You also have to think of your baby. As they get older they are going to want to touch and play with the dog. Will it hurt her to have a baby pull on her fur, or grab for her ears?
I would talk to your vet, and see what they recommend. You don’t have to do what they say, but that can give you an informed opinion.

Donna asks…

My dog has COLLIE NOSE and her hair won’t Grow Back How Can I Get It to Grow?

My dog has collie nose (she is a border collie) she was put on predinisone for a few months as it is a discoid lupus situation or as I am told it is auto-immune. I pulled her off the prednisone and have been treating it homeopathically or naturally with immune system builders. She is doing well physically but the hair on her nose will not grow back…I can’t let her out in the sun until it grows back and it has been months…anyone get their dogs collie nose to grow the hair back?

health answers:

My german shorthair has lupus which has made her nose dry and crusty and she does have some hair loss. The only thing you can do until the hair grows back…if it ever does…is put sunscreen on it. Unfortunately, the DO try and lick it off. If it is rubbed in well, it helps. You can find a few brands that are considered non toxic.

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