Your Questions About Lacy Park
June 15th, 2012 by health

Paul asks…

Is it okay if my babushka doesn’t match my lacy socks?

I was walking to the park to feed the birds the other day, and I realized this halfway there! I was so embarrassed!

Am I damned to hell now?

health answers:

The scarf and socks should match

Jenny asks…

Can’t take my dog to the dog park anymore?

I have a Texas Blue Lacy that I would always love to take to the dog park when he was a puppy, but now that he’s in his adult stage, he’s become very territorial, every time I take him to the dog park, he’s the only dog in the park that barks, it’s really annoying and distracting, not to mention embarrassing as he’s urinating everywhere, trying to mark his territory about a million times in the dog park, specifically on the water fountain where other dogs drink water.

The last time I took him to the dog park he tried attacking the garbage man who was there to collect the trash from the dog park. After that, I decided he was too aggressive for the dog park, however, I’ve tried taking him other places where he can run free, but being that I live in Southern California, the only places that allow dogs to roam without a leash are dog parks. He can literally run around for hours off leash which equates to too much energy for a leashed dog.

Just curious if there are any SoCal people out there that have this same problem and if they have any solutions for a high energy dog that needs to be off leash but is too aggressive for the dog park.

health answers:

Some dogs, despite a lot of training and socializing, are just not meant to go to dog parks.

I would consider trying biking with something like this
That’s what I use and it works great for us.

Rollerblading with your dog pulling you on a harness.

Or treadmill training your dog.

If you can find a place to take your dog swimming that might work well too!
Good luck!

George asks…

could I wear a long old fashion looking lacy dress to my niece’s wedding?

Hi ,
I’m a 56 year old woman that looks 42 or so.I have a very young attitude and everyone knows I’m a little bit of a free spirit.
My niece is getting married oct.3.a traditional wedding.I have a long off white lacy with netting covered long sleeves.It looks like an old fashion delicate night gown or a dress of the 70’s.
it’s not a wedding dress but I wore it when I married my husband in the park 6 years ago.I wore a crown of flowers on my head.
Could I wear it to my niece’s’s the only thing that fits me,it’s not form fitting and I’ve gained about 10 lbs. What color shoes if I don’t want to wear off white to maybe change the look?My daughter said I looked like a forest fairy in it at my wedding.I don’t want to buy something else .I’m a jeans and tee shirt kind of girl.
I don’t know anything about style.I live in a small town in Wi.
please help.I also have a off white fringe shawl to wear with it.


health answers:

Just don’t look nicer than the bride and take attention away from her.
This grumpy old guy thinks that you should get something very plain–
like understated elegance.

Helen asks…

What’s a good title for a non-violence essay?

I don’t want to be boring and say Non- Violence Essay. It has info about how Rosa Parks ans Gandhi were able to bring about change through no-violence.

Any help is appreciated =)

health answers:

How does “Peaceful Logic” sound to you?

Sandy asks…

What is good to wear to an amusement park?

Ok so my friend is having her 11th birthday party at Six Flags and I really don’t know what to wear. I mean, Duh wear shorts and tennis shoes, but what about shirts? A tank top, Jersey (Like a sleeveless volleyball shirt) or a regular T-Shirt? I Really don’t want to wear a T-Shirt though because I hate sweating so a tank top or jersey? The tank tops have lacy straps and the tank tops are yellow and green. I only have 1 jersey and its Tie Die. My shorts are blackish and my shoes are white with a ruby Nike symbol. So what should I wear? Green or Yellow Tank top or Tie Die Jersey with black shorts and my shoes?

health answers:

Yellow tank-top (to reflect the sun)….and don’t forget sunscreen.

Have Fun

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