Green Algae Chlorella Improves Your Nutrition And Your Health
July 6th, 2012 by Aldouspi

Green Algae Chlorella Improves Your Nutrition And Your Health

By: Pete Morgan

CC by GreenRon

If you have not heard much about the incredible food developed from the little green algae called Chlorella, then you are missing out on a great opportunity to add some serious nutrition to your diet. It is just beginning to find its niche in the popular nutritional supplements that are on the market. However, this tiny food source has more nutrition than most other supplements and is totally organic.

Chlorella is a little one-celled organism which packs quite a punch because it contains so many great nutrients including many of the vitamins that your body needs to function properly. Chlorella, for example, contains all of the B vitamins in addition to Vitamins C and E. It contains a higher percentage of beta-carotene than carrots, and we all know how important this is to good health.

In addition to these and many other vitamins, the algae also contains a high concentration of calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium and other important minerals including trace minerals. Another kind of nutrient this supplement contains is the Omega-3 fatty acids. These are extremely important to good health, but as people try to eat healthily they often forget these.

You may think of chlorophyll as something that helps plants to maintain their green color, but it is also important for humans. How? It can help with the elimination systems of the body including helping to cleanse the liver, bowel and even the blood. The chlorophyll contained in Chlorella is at a higher percentage than in any other plant. Chlorophyll has also been shown to help eliminate chronic bad breath.

A very important benefit to your health is the ability of the anti-oxidants and other substances in Chlorella to actually neutralize toxins and remove them from your body. It can help the body to break down metallic toxins and hydrocarbon that can be hard to eliminate from the body. In fact, depending on how much of this supplement you take, you can begin, in just a few short months, to rid your body of the buildup of poisonous substances that have been building up in your body for years.

Another aspect of this super food, is in the area of pH. You may have heard shampoo commercials talk about the pH balance in your hair, but your overall body needs to maintain a proper pH balance as well.

This nutritional algae is considered to be alkaline, and that helps counteract the acid effects of most of the foods that we eat. Which in turn, reduces the acidic environment, in our bodies, that encourages disease. A more alkaline environment makes us better able to fight disease and disease causing organisms. The immune system in our bodies is what fights disease and infection, so you can see that this supplement greatly enhances the immune system.

Using a Chlorella supplement to provide proper nutrition, will not only strengthen your immune system, but improve your digestive system, cleanse your blood and body of toxins and even help get more oxygen to your brain, so that you can think more clearly. Using organic whole foods like this one is a natural way to improve your nutrition which is the best way to improve your health.

Author Resource:-> Peter Morgan is a natural health food writer with Spirulina UK who specialize in Spirulina Powder as well as the latest spirulina and chlorella news, information and research. Further reading at: —- Article From Articles For All

Information provided is not medical advice – you should always consult your doctor.

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