Your Questions About Cerebral Palsy Causes
July 13th, 2012 by health

Robert asks…

What part of the brain causes cerebral palsy?

health answers:

The brain is the Organ that is damaged which results in Cerebral Palsy, and i beleive that it is the Cerebral Cortex that is affected.

David asks…

what are delivery complications causes cerebral palsy in child?

health answers:

Cerebral palsy refers to a group of chronic conditions affecting body movement and muscle coordination. Oxygen deprivation or trauma to the head during labor and delivery are two of the primary causes of cerebral palsy and can occur due for several reasons, including a delivery complication or doctor error. If the infant does not get enough oxygen the brain can be injured. Faulty development or damage to motor areas in the brain disrupt the brain’s ability to adequately control movement and posture.

Sharon asks…

What causes Cerebral Palsy?

Its not genetic is it or is there a genetic influence? My little sister has cerebral palsy and we’ve never had any other history of it in the family, she was born premature though but so was I and I don’t have it.

health answers:

Lack of oxygen to the brain.

The commonest cause is lack of oxygen to the baby’s brain during the birthing process and happens when the umbilical cord is pinched and insufficient blood comes from the mother or there is a delay in getting the baby to breathe with its own lungs.

After that the next one is premature birth and the baby’s body being unable to get sufficient oxygen into the brain due to particular organs not being sufficiently developed.

Then there are the various things that cause a baby to stop breathing, I don’t know the timings offhand but I do know that it is a very short time before damage starts to take place, less than a minute, because babies are so small.

After that are accidents to the baby’s brain which cause CP but these are not common.

If you are in the United Kingdom then you should get in touch with the Cerebral Palsy charity called Scope and they will be able to advise you.

Betty asks…

What are the causes of cerebral palsy?

health answers:

We do not know the cause of most cases of cerebral palsy. That is, we are unable to determine what caused cerebral palsy in most children who have congenital CP. We do know that the child who is at highest risk for developing CP is the premature, very small baby who does not cry in the first five minutes after delivery, who needs to be on a ventilator for over four weeks, and who has bleeding in his brain. Babies who have congenital malformations in systems such as the heart, kidneys, or spine are also more likely to develop CP, probably because they also have malformations in the brain. Seizures in a newborn also increase the risk of CP. There is no combination of factors which always results in an abnormally functioning individual. That is, even the small premature infant has a better than 90 percent chance of not having cerebral palsy. There are a surprising number of babies who have very stormy courses in the newborn period and go on to do very well. In contrast, some infants who have rather benign beginnings are eventually found to have severe mental retardation or learning disabilities. Http://

The disorders are caused by faulty development of or damage to motor areas in the brain that disrupts the brain’s ability to control movement and posture. Http://

Cerebral palsy results from damage to certain parts of the developing brain.
This damage can occur early in pregnancy when the brain is just starting to form, during the birth process as the child passes through the birth canal, or after birth in the first few years of life.
In many cases, the exact cause of the brain damage is never known.
At one time, problems during birth, usually inadequate oxygen, were blamed for cerebral palsy.
We now know that fewer than 10% of cases of cerebral palsy begin during birth (perinatal).
In fact, current thinking is that at least 70-80% of cases of cerebral palsy begin before birth (prenatal).
Some cases begin after birth (postnatal).
In all likelihood, many cases of cerebral palsy are a result of a combination of prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal factors.
Risk factors linked with cerebral palsy include the following:

Infection, seizure disorder, thyroid disorder, and/or other medical problems in the mother
Birth defects, especially those affecting the brain, spinal cord, head, face, lungs, or metabolism
Rh factor incompatibility, a difference in the blood between mother and fetus that can cause brain damage in the fetus (Fortunately, this is almost always detected and treated in women who receive proper prenatal medical care.)
Certain hereditary and genetic conditions
Complications during labor and delivery
Premature birth
Low birth weight (especially if less than 2 pounds at birth)
Severe jaundice after birth
Multiple births (twins, triplets)
Lack of oxygen (hypoxia) reaching the brain before, during, or after birth
Brain damage early in life, due to infection (such as meningitis), head injury, lack of oxygen, or bleeding

Ruth asks…

Can Cerebral Palsy cause an 18 yr. old man to have troubles getting and keeping an erection?

He is my boyfriend and I was just wondering becuse every time we mess around he is only able to last about one hour at the most and then he says that he’s lost it and doesn’t have anymore in him, so he’s not able to do anymore, but he wishes that he could. He wants to do more, but he just can’t and we don’t know why. He is perfectly healthy other than the cerebral palsy, so i don’t see anything else that could be the cause of him not being able to get or keep an erection, is there anyone who can help me?

health answers:

Absolutely, it’s a malfuntion of brain control and nothing wreaks havoc on your neurons like sex. He has other body parts that work though right? Ask him to use them!

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